Season 10 Chapter 6: What's the "I" Stand For?

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Fade in to Wash approaching Ghost and Carolina from behind (bow chicka bow wow)

U.N.S.C. Wind Power Facility / Present Day

Washington: Looking for something?

Carolina: Leads, information, anything. You said Maine had been through here, right?

Washington: Well yeah, but that was ages ago.

Carolina: Then look closely. Don't tell me hanging around these morons has made you soft.

Tucker and Church are watching from a ledge

Tucker: Hey, she said morons. That's us.

Church: Tucker, shut up, let me listen.

Washington: The Meta was attempting to transfer energy from these turbines into his suit. It was the only way he could keep his equipment running.

Carolina: Poor Maine.

Washington: Carolina, it wasn't your fault.

Carolina: But it was my A.I..

Ghost: None of us could have known what would happen.

Carolina: Yeah, well sometimes I'm not so sure.

Washington: What.

Carolina: We were told that the A.I. were specifically designed for each of us. North was chosen for Theta. York, had Delta. Ghost had both Valkyrie and Ophelia from doctor Halsey. Sigma, was mine.

Washington: What are you saying?

Carolina: You really think the Director didn't know what would happen?

Washington: Carolina, that's ridiculous.

Carolina: He always had his little experiments. He just, forgot to take a few extra variables into account.

Washington: And what about now? The whole world thinks you're dead. Do you think he knows you're coming for him?

Carolina: Yes, I do. And for once, I look forward to proving him right.

Ghost: He knows that we are coming and the UNSC is coming.

Carolina: That just means we need to hurry.

Washington: Huhh, the Director was always hard on you.

Tucker: Dude, he said hard-on. Heh heh. Bow chicka cha.

Church: They're gonna hear you.

Carolina: He was hard on all of us.

Tucker: Oh, come on. You gotta let me have that one.

Church: Quiet, you're gonna give away our position.

Tucker: I've got about five positions in mind for her. Bow chicka-

Church: Tucker! I'm serious.

Washington: Yeah, you're right. But you have to admit, he was also pretty hard on himself.

Tucker: That's it, I'm doin' it.

Church: Tucker!

Tucker: Bow chicka bow -

A shot hits very near his head

Tucker: Whoa! Same team, same team!

Carolina: What, are you doing here?

Tucker: Okay, take it easy Carolina.

Church: We just wanted information.

Washington: Epsilon?

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