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Hello! Welcome to "Horror Oneshots."

So before I begin, this was actually an idea that a friend of mine came up with about a week or two ago. 

As none of you may or may not know, I suffer from intrusive thoughts whenever I am in a bad mental space or if I have just consumed a lot of dark, heavy material (entertainment or otherwise). I also have some pretty wack dreams every once in a while.

I was describing this one thought that had kept me up for almost an hour after watching several episodes of Criminal Minds late into the night, my friend suggested I write about what I experience/think about/dream about. 

So here we are! That's pretty much the origin story for this new thing I'm doing now.

A few things I want to mention before I begin:

1. I will put trigger warnings before each story begins, so please be sure you read them (even if you don't think you need them). 

2. The stuff I write in here can be EXTREMELY DARK AND HEAVY. So please, be careful. I'm going to be writing about very sensitive topics, and about very dark ones as well. 

3. This book will be updated whenever I have a bad dream or an intrusive thought that doesn't sit well with me, so obviously don't expect a super consistent uploading schedule. 

4. I'm using this as a way to cope-I'm creating an outlet for the thoughts I deem "disturbing" or "bad" (if you're a Sanders Sides fan, think about it this way: I'm allowing a place for my version of Remus to express his ideas).

5. If you have any constructive critisism, please do leave it somewhere in the comments of the story. I would love to become a better writer by doing this activity. If there are misspellings, point them out to me and I will fix them. 

6. And obviously, be nice. To each other (whoever may be reading this) and me, the writer. 

Ok. That I think covers everything. 


(Side note, the tone of this intro is literally so different from the rest of this book, I just realized that, LOL)

- dork2008

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