I Lay There, Unmoving

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tw: detailed descriptions and descriptors of death/dead bodies. stabbing. mentions of rape/sexual abuse.


3:08 AM

I lay there, unmoving, and unable to move. I listen for sounds that may or may not exist-my mind is so fractured that I'm not even sure what is real anymore. It's silent, except for a few creaks in the house. Maybe I've gone deaf?

I search the dark, trying to see something, anything, that could tell me what is going on.

There is something warm in my bed. I don't know what it is, but I can tell it's some sort of liquid. It seems like it's coming from somewhere in my abdomen, but it is so dark that I can't see, and even if I could see I cannot move my head-or any other part of my body, for that matter-to look.

I cannot tell where the liquid could be coming from. The more I scan my body, the more places I find it could be.

Thighs and calves.







All I know is that I am warm. And I cannot move or see. But I do not know why.


9:31 AM

Some time has passed. I still cannot move, but I heard a scream just now, as well as footsteps moving rapidly away from me. It sounded like a woman's scream...maybe my mother's? I'm not entirely sure. I wish I could move, or speak. Then at least I could try to console them, whoever they were.

I'm not as warm as I was before. I feel much colder now. I do not know why-I still have all of my blankets from when I fell asleep on top of and curled around me. I can feel them.

However, I can see a little bit of light now. I think it's the sun trying to peak through my closed blinds, but my head is turned away from the window, so I don't know for sure.


10:37 AM

I can see that it is definitely morning. There is light shining through the blinds of my window-someone must've opened my blinds-and the alarm clock on my vanity reads "10:38 AM."

However, I still cannot move. And there are no mirrors where my head is turned, so I cannot look to see what was making me feel warm late last night.

I thought I heard sirens earlier. My window is right next to the road, and my family lives close to the highway, so it could've been from the highway. I've also heard the front door open and shut multiple times since I heard the woman's scream. My bedroom door is still closed though, so it is hard for me to hear whoever entered the house.

It's so cold...


10:40 AM

I hear my door creak open. I look to see someone with an FBI police vest on. They are looking at me...with a saddened expression on their face.

I want to know why they are sad. But I cannot speak, and even if I could, many more people- some in FBI vests, some in regular police uniforms, and some in personal protective equipment-begin to walk into the small space of my room.

Some are looking at my keyboard, which still has "Colors of The Wind" sheet music open on the music stand.

Some are looking at the vanity, which has a variety of things, from sea shells I've collected to makeup to my alarm clock.

And some are looking at me, with the same saddened expression as the first man who entered my room. Those that are looking at me are murmuring amongst themselves, too quiet for me to hear.

Suddenly, one person in an FBI suit with gloves comes and takes the blankets off of me. Many people in the room gasp and look on in shock. Some look on in sadness and despair. Some look as if they recognize whatever they were looking at.

I wish I could see what was wrong.

Then, one person speaks. Someone behind my head, on the other side of my bed. They are speaking to the whole room. It kinda sounds like they are giving a debriefing of some sort-whoever is speaking is a man, with a very blunt and direct tone in his voice.

"We got the call from Thea Wilkins at 9:32 AM, Mariana's mother, saying that someone had obviously been in their home and robbed them-valuable items such as TVs and laptops were stolen from throughout the house. We're currently looking for traces of DNA evidence to know who may have robbed their home."

...Thea Wilkins? My mother?

That must've been who screamed.

But why did they clarify that my mother was MY mother?

And someone was in our house? Who? And why?

"Wilkins also told the 911 operator that her oldest daughter, Mariana, was bleeding-or had bled quite a lot-and was lying on her bed with her eyes open, and it didn't seem like she was blinking. Apparently Wilkins had come upstairs as soon as she and her husband realized their house had been robbed. The husband went to the youngest daughter's room, and Thea Wilkins came in here."


"It seems like she was stabbed in several areas-pretty much anywhere the unsub could see there was a lump in the bed. The only wounds that seem like they were meant to kill are the ones on her wrists, inner thighs, and her throat. She was definitely killed while she was asleep-there are no signs of a struggle, and the pooling of blood in her bed and on her blankets as well as the blood spatters around the room indicate that she was killed while in bed."


"The unsub must've had a reason for killing Mariana. The cuts on her wrists, thighs, and neck are definitely deliberate, and is probably a part of the unsub's signature. Check her jewelry collection; the unsub likes to steal valuable jewelry that the victim frequently wore-its also a part of his signature."


"We need to be looking for a male who has a connection to Mariana as well as the other 3 girls we've seen murdered in this way. We should also check to see if Mariana was raped after her death, like the other 3 girls. That way we can ensure that this was the same unsub."


"We think the estimated time of death was probably somewhere around 3:08 AM."



...I lay here, unmoving, and unable to move.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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