Rant About Suicide (TW: Suicide)

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This isn't a poem (at least I don't think it is) but it just needs to be said, and I was feeling like ranting

Why is suicide such a taboo topic? Why does nobody ever talk about it?

All you ever hear is "don't kill yourself", then they fall silent and change the subject.

They think it's a spontaneous decision, that you wake up and randomly decide to kill yourself.

But that's not how it works, it takes build up to reach that point.

They tell you there's other options, that you're not really done.

But you already know that, you're just too exhausted to care.

They shove mental hospitals, crisis lines, and therapists in your face.

But that's not always what you need, sometimes you just need a hug and someone to listen.

They think you can just snap out of the thoughts and the urges, that it'll just disappear.

But you can't, and it never really goes away.

They think it's for attention, that you just want some fame.

But nobody wants fame for this, you just want someone to hear you.

They think it never happens, it's just something on the tv news.

But it does happen, too often.

They think it's just people wearing black, who have bad grades and listen to rock.

But it's actually the quiet kid in the front of your science class, who has straight As and listens to country.

They think they're right, but they're wrong.

Suicide needs to be talked about.

It needs to be heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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