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She had been a Legend for just a few days short of a month, and so far, she'd done pretty well in all the matches she'd participated in. Of course, she still hadn't won yet. That didn't bother her much, but one individual in particular had gone out of his way to make sure she knew she was a bad teammate and was just dragging everyone down.

Revenant, the Synthetic Nightmare.

He'd been the bane of (y/n)'s existence pretty much since she got there. Her first day, he'd gone up to her and told her to just stay out of his way and stay off his team; he didn't need a newbie slowing him down. So, naturally, they were paired for both duo and trio matches since she had no control over who she was put with. The end of every match was met with Revenant berating (y/n), putting all the blame on her for not being able to clutch a 1v3 when he and the other teammate would push without telling her and got themselves killed.

The ending of this match was no different.

"It's your fault, you know."

He started, catching (y/n) in the hall just before she could get into her room.

'Here it comes.'

(Y/n) thought, watching as the Simulacrum moved to basically pin her between the wall and his metal body, hands pressed to the wall above her. He leaned in close to her ear.

"Why are you still here? You're weak and useless on the field, and drag everyone down with you."

One hand moved to grip her chin, forcefully moving her head to look into his golden optics that glared daggers through her.

"Drop out. You aren't any good. Worthless skinsuit."

The tips of Revenant's fingers dug into (y/n)'s skin, puncturing it and drawing blood. She winced, and he decided to let go, laughing lowly in her face before stepping back. (Y/n) glared up at the robot and wiped the blood from her face, every fiber of her seething with hatred for him. Without thinking, she snapped.

"No wonder everyone hates you. I thought maybe you were different, and just came across as mean to seem like an asshole, but you're just a miserable piece of shit."

She said without any hesitation, a wave of adrenaline completely taking over her, throwing any logic out the window. Revenant squinted his eyes at her, taking one step closer again.

"You try living for 300 years, under the guise of being a human, then find out you're just a murder robot being used by someone else. Let's see how miserable you feel then."

"Your own past does not give you an excuse to treat others like shit. Don't you want friends? Or someone who at least likes you?"

"There's no point. I'll outlive them anyway. Why bother getting attached just to watch them die?"

"At least you'll have memories to think back on instead of just-"

"Shut up."

"Make me."

He then grabbed (y/n)'s hair, yanking her head back so her neck was craned at an awkward and painful angle, body bending to try and alleviate the discomfort. He was almost tempted to make her shut up.

"You're a mouthy bitch. Learn your place."

Revenant growled, fingertips digging against her scalp before he let her go, but not before yanking her head back even further, earning a yelp of pain from her. (Y/n) brought her hand up to the back of her head, teeth grit as her (y/e/c) eyes glared into his amber ones.

"Make me."

She stated again, but this time it was much more firm; filled with hate and anger and just challenging him. Revenant just stared at her, eyes flickering over her face and down her body- almost as if he was sizing her up- not that he needed to. Then, without a single word, he just walked away. (Y/n) was relieved, honestly, as she didn't think she'd be able to take him in any form of physical fight. Still, his just leaving confused her. Why hadn't he hurt her or retaliated in some sort of way? Without questioning it further, she went into her room, changing her clothes and cleaning the dirt and blood from the fight that day. Though, her thoughts lingered back to Revenant, and how part of her wanted to try to be his friend. She must be crazy.

Later in the evening, just after dinner, (y/n) found herself wandering the halls of the headquarters, trying to get to know them better since she was still so new. As fate would have it, she crossed paths with the Simulacrum yet again, though both acted as though they didn't see each other and simply passed by. Revenant, however, turned and grabbed her hair again just before she was out of reach, pulling back and causing her to fall.

"Fuck! What was that for?!"

(Y/n) yelled, quickly getting back to her feet and looking at him, hands balled into fists. The robot just laughed at her.

"I thought it would be funny- and I was right."

"You actually have feelings? That's a fucking shocker."

Revenant grabbed her throat and pinned her to the wall, keeping her suspended just a foot off the ground. (Y/n) did her best to try and not look scared, holding an angry face despite his fingers squeezing around her throat and slowly cutting off her air supply.

"For someone so weak, you talk like you'd be able to take me on; like I wouldn't be able to snap your neck in a second."

"Do it."

She gasped, her hands coming up to grasp at his wrist. He stared at (y/n), eyes narrowed as if he were surprised by her telling him to kill her. His grip loosened, and she was quick to gasp in air, hands still firmly grasped onto his wrist. A rush of bravery came over her again.

"Call me crazy, but despite who you are, and how absolutely horrid you are, part of me still wants to be your friend."

"You're absolutely stupid. I don't want friends. I don't need friends."

"No, you're just afraid. Afraid of getting close to someone and having to watch them die before you. You basically said so earlier. Let me be your friend."


He the released (y/n), dropping her down and stepping away from her. He seemed… confused? Maybe even frightened. No one had ever wanted to be his friend. He'd never wanted one to begin with. (Y/n) looked up at him, having now slid down the wall into a sitting position once he'd let her go.

"Aren't you lonely? After 300 years alone, haven't you gotten lonely?"

"No. I don't need anyone. I never have. Never will. Especially not you."

"... Well, that's too bad. Because I'm going to try, whether you like it or not."

Wow, she was feeling pretty ballsy today. (Y/n) pulled herself back to her feet, not breaking the eye contact they were maintaining.

"You could benefit from having a friend. Part of you must want a friend. Or just someone who doesn't hate you."

"It doesn't affect me in any way. You're infuriating."

Revenant seemed less threatening now, and it was almost like she was just having a normal conversation with him.

"Just let me try. What have you got to lose?"

"What's left of my sanity."

Revenant fell silent, pondering everything she'd said. He didn't want a friend, he didn't need anyone in his sorry excuse of a life. Then again, no one else had ever wanted to be. A very very small part of him did want someone in his life- but he'd always repressed it. Perhaps…?

"… Fine. I will very reluctantly allow you to 'try' to be my friend. Don't expect much."

(Y/n)'s face instantly lit up and Revenant let out a disgusted noise, muttering something about her being annoying and what was he thinking.

He really had no idea what he was in for.

Revenant x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now