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Over the course of the next few months, (y/n) and Revenant managed to work better together on the field and had even earned a few wins. By now, everyone was aware of their friendship since Revenant had become extremely overprotective of her within the ring and because they were almost always seen together outside of it too. Loba hated the way she was so close to Revenant, but (y/n) paid it no mind, because she knew a different side of the Simulacrum; a side no one but her knew through months and months of work. During this time, he'd slowly grown more gentle with her. His touches became softer, his voice was never raised at her, no threats were made, and more visits to her room instead of to his. Today, she brought a plethora of decorations, knick knacks, and anything else she thought Revenant like in his room, both boxes of items being placed down on his rather empty table.

"What are these?"

The Simulacrum asked, opening one of the boxes and looking at its contents.

"Decorations! I thought we could decorate your room. Make it less empty and more colorful!"

"I don't need anything colorful."

"You also didn't need a friend either, but here we are."

He was rendered speechless, immediately withdrawing his argument and going back to examining the contents of the boxes. There were definitely some colorful things in the boxes, but there were also things that held his interest. Skulls of all shapes and sizes, a spider statue that was rather large, a few different dragon statues, etc. (Y/n) knew him better than he thought. When he looked up from the box, he saw she was already going to work placing things around the room where she thought they'd look good. (Y/n) turned to him, a wide smile spread across her face and eyes lit up as she held an armful of items.

"Do you think they look good there?"

She asked eagerly, bouncing on the balls of her feet. The Simulacrum found himself unable to answer, looking at her instead of the items she'd placed. It was almost like he was seeing her in a new light as he looked her up and down, realizing that he thought she was beautiful. This wasn't right. He was a machine. Feelings like this weren't programmed into him. He was a killing machine, and the fact that he'd even grown to care for her as a friend was something not programmed into him. None of this made any sense to him. Pushing the thoughts away, he nodded in agreement with her question.

"Yes, they look good there."

Revenant stated, (though he was mostly talking about her) and grabbed a few decorations from the box, moving closer to her and placing them in spots he felt they'd look good. About two hours later, everything had been placed so they complimented the room without making it look cluttered. The bot glanced over to her, a hand reaching out so his fingers could run through her hair as she finished adjusting the tablecloth she'd put on his table. The sudden affection caught (y/n) by surprise, body stiffening as the fingers scraped lightly against her scalp and down her back until they were out of her hair. Standing back up straight, (y/n) looked to the Simulacrum, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she reached out and gently grasped his hand in her own. His head snapped to look at their hands, optics trained on them even as she pulled him and brought him to his couch to sit with her, body settling onto the couch with ease. (Y/n) pulled his hand into her lap, holding it there as her fingers gently traced over his long slender ones. She'd be lying if she said he hadn't developed feelings for the Simulacrum that were more than just that of a friend.

"The room looks more 'homey' now. Don't you think?"

(Y/n) asked in a gentle voice, lacing their fingers together with the faint smile still present on her face.

"It does. Thank you for this."

"Of course. Maybe now you'll be happier to be alive despite the circumstances."

Revenant x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now