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Gang Bi's POV

I actually fell asleep as soon as my parents and siblings came home last night which was really very early but yeah, i told them about what happened with the switch first. They were really worried and were really happy that Young Kwang helped. I was too. I could not forget about him at all.

I was in the balcony again. I actually woke up at 3:30 this morning, maybe beacause i slept early. I watched only one episode of a drama for an hour and was now dreaming on the balcony thinking about various random things, cringing at the thoughts of something i did in the past when i heard the creaks of the gates open in the neighbourhood. I would have ignored on other days but i could slightly see a tall figure getting out.

I wasnt a creepo or anything. Dont judge me. But i ran to the main balcony from the living room to see him clearly.
He wore a black tracksuit and wore a manly huge white pair of shoes with a bunch of newspapers on the basket of his bicycle.

Oh wow, so he even delivers the newspapers in the morning.

What am i doing? I am acting like i have a crush on him. I havent had a crush for a long long time after i got over Hong Jong Hyun. Oh wait...i think i didnt tell you about this before. Umm...i actually liked Jong Hyun before for a long time in our old school. I changed my school, and unfortunately, he came here too. I tried not to like him because it felt like he looked down upon me and was rude to me somehow and it felt horrible. And so, i didnt have any more crushes..okay...excluding the celebrity crushes. But yea, i dont have crushes easily...so what am i doing?

I went back inside and flopped on the bed and i think i fell asleep again.
I ran up to the stairs and i looked at the time. I had less than one minute and the bell was going to ring and the teacher would reach the classroom. I nearly reached the classroom and just when i was about to sneak in, i saw that the teacher was there too in front of the door and right in front of me. We were standing next to the door together. I smiled at him guiltyly and he hit me at my back with his stick and let me in. Some students laughed and we all stood together to greet the teacher.

It was so unfair, i got up early today...why did i have to sleep again? I could have come early again today. Aish.

It was already the third period and i was asked to give out some books to the students. As i was giving it out, and looking around, everyone were reading something or pretending to be reading since the teacher was standing right next to the door. I saw Kim Young Kwang reading something and he seemed to be really into it contrasting the book which he was reading.

I gave a book to the person sitting behind him and caught Young Kwang reading a comic book between the history text book as i was walking back. I knew he couldnt be so into history. I wore an evil face when he  suddenly faced towards me and instantly closed his book. He looked so mischievious.
And...i knew that comic book...it was my favourite comic book series...and that was the last edition...the last edition which i could not buy...the last edition which i wanted soo bad...

But i hid my misery and excitement and all sorts of emotions and giggled at him and just went back to my seat.
It was finally time to go home and i was walking down the path of the school campus when one of my teacher called me out. She is a new sophomore teacher who also happens to be my aunt. She told me that my mother had called her to tell me about my whole family going to a relative's funeral. They got the news when i was in classes so they went without me. My brother goes home early from school since he is still in the younger classes so he went along with them and my sister was in school just like me. It was really unfortunate that we lost our dear grandmother, she is actually my real grandmother's third cousin. So they went out in a hurry and forgot to keep the key card of our house to the neighbours, as i kept mine at home so i cannot go home yet. The place they went was really far away and so mom told me to wait in Ms. Choi's who is my mother's friend and my sister was going to be in a friend's house as she was coming home late anyway.

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