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Lee Soo Hyuk's POV

I got into the car to go to school and thought about making a change today.

I did not tell any of my friends about my parents setting me up with a blind date last week. I was really against it but they kind of forced and emotional blackmailed me so i had no other choice.

I didnt know who it was going to be until i went to the date itself. I didnt tell any of my friends about her after i realized who it was because my date was none other than my classmate, Kim Yeong Byeol. The Kim family and my family were close friends plus partners so they decided to set their children to date.

Actually, on that day, when i went into the restaurant to meet my date with all the plans on how i am going reject her, i could not believe my eyes when i saw Yeong Byeol. She was already sitting there, waiting gracefully. I was late intentionally so that i could leave a bad impression on the date but now, its Yeong Byeol. The last thing i wanted to do was leaving a bad impression on her. I didnt know what to do. I stood there for a minute.

I decided to go when a waiter asked if there was something wrong. She saw me, stood up and greeted me. She didnt look shocked so it was clear she knew it was going to be me.

I always saw Yeong Byeol at family functions or some gatherings and i kind of...had a...crush on her too, but a small one...a small crush. But she never seemed to notice me.

I thought there would be an awkward silence but she spoke up.
"So, you are not really trying to date me right??" She got right on the point.
"..." i remained silent.
"No, what i mean is, you are being forced to come here too right? Or...?" She continued.
"No no, yea, my parents fo..forced me, yea!" I responded.
"Oh okay then. Then lets just tell them we had a date but its not working out, okay??" She plotted.
"Sure" i said and we had our meal and thats how it ended. Deep inside, i wanted to stay, have a date and get closer to her, but...she doesnt even think about me that way. So, no hopes!

Woo Bin and Sung Joon had been really suspicious of me lately, maybe because i insisted on sitting behind her line or maybe something else. Maybe i showed out my emotions too much these days. Aish...whats wrong with me? I couldnt face them since they were going to ask me loads of questions and torture me with all the teasings so i often came to school alone, went home early alone, ran away and hid somewhere alone on breaks which made me look more suspicious and now, all my friends have questions. I decided to be a bit courageous today since i had been too pathetic and that is how i am going to make a change.

I also wondered how Yeong Byeol could not feel the least awkward around me. There was no doubt that she didnt care about me at all. I felt like crying loudly sometimes.

I got off the car next to the school campus and the first person i saw was her, Kim Yeong Byeol, talking to her friend, Cha Eun Woo's sister. I am used to these kind of coincidences. Sometimes, i think god really tortures me when i try to forget her and force me to like her more. Nah, lets just go.


I bade my mother goodbye and went out of the house to go to school. There was a car parked in front of our gate. I went closer to it and saw Bo Young grinning widely at me. I was amazed and went closer to her and asked what she was doing.
"Of course i am here to pick up the princess. Come on, hop on." She said teasingly.
"What do you mean princess? I am a KING!" I scoffed back and we both laughed while getting in the car.

Cha Eun Woo's POV

My friends called me out to go to school with them but i wanted to be alone today. By the term 'friends', i dont mean the current friends Woo Bin, Jong Hyun and all. I meant my old friends, with whom i was once classmates.

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