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Cha Eun Woo's POV

*2 years ago*

I wonder who that girl was. I mean how dare she? Maybe she didnt know us, or else no one would have dared to help anyone we are bullying. Or maybe she is seeking attention from us.

The junior my friends were bullying was a musician i think. He was playing a violin on our spot. He probably did not know about that place being our group's hang out spot. But even after my friends warned him to go away, he would not budge. Hah, he was quite stubborn for a mere junior though. But since i was not in the mood that day after a serious fight with my dad that morning, i let the others take the lead, while i just sat next to a tree, not very far from them.

He kept answering them back and pushed a guy when he tried to throw his violin away. I signalled the guy who tried to touch the violin not to go that extreme but they still kept his violin. When he tried to attack again, they started surrounding him, while i just sat a bit farther than them next to a tree, uninterested and annoyed as heck.

So as those were going on, i suddenly saw a short girl a bit far away, she was approaching us. She looked confused and furious and stopped after every two steps she took. She suddenly fastened up and went to towards the crowd. She took Henry's hand and ran away with him. No one had the time to react. I could have stopped them as they were passing by me but i didnt. We sometimes have to just wait for people to get the worst possible punishment.

My group and i were inside the canteen where they could not stop blabbering about how they would teach that short girl and Henry a lesson. I did not care that much but we had to do something or else they would take us for granted.

I remembered the look on her face while running away with Henry in front of me. She looked scared, at the same time, disgusted, and also had a pleading face so that i will not stop them. It was really easy for me to stop them though, but i gave them way instead.

The others looked at me and asked me to give them ideas on how they would pick on them. But i just ignored and finished my food and went out of the canteen. I was always like that, to them and to everyone.
While walking towards the classroom, Miss Park saw me and handed me a box of books and told me and a boy next to the door to help her out and keep the boxes in the library. I did not have anything to do anyway, so i went while the guy went behind me. I smirked as i reliased that this was the first time i was going to the library during my two years in this school.

When i reached there, the door was slightly open and i could see two figures in there. I saw the short girl and Henry talking inside. They were the only two inside the library. I signalled the other guy who was also carrying boxes to keep the box down and go away. He seemed confused but did as i said anyway.

I eavesdropped and heard about Henry getting uninterested of this school. He was talking about how much of high expectations he had in Korea and was really excited to come here. But now, he wanted to go back to Canada or maybe atleast change schools. He was not getting equal treatment and all, bla3. And the short girl just, nodded and seemed disappointed and ashamed. She consoled him and the the bell rang. The break was over, so they started going out.

I leant on the wall and waited for them to come out. He came out first so i stretched out my left leg right in front of the door and he successfully tripped hard on it. He screamed out as he fell and the horrified reaction continued behind him. The big, round eyes staring at me with her hand covering her partly opened mouth.

"HEY!!" Henry growled. "WHAT THE HECK! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He continued shouting.
"Oops, sorry." I said and smirked.
He approached me and tried to hit me when the tiny girl stopped him and calmed him down. She suddenly faced towards me and threatened me with her looks and cute round eyes (which she thought was scary) and went away with him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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