Ocean eyes

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"Excuse me... so sorry!"

You're probably wondering who that is bumping into people on the sidewalk. Well, that's you. You're finally working in the building of your dreams. The Empire State Building is the tallest building you have ever seen. You will work on floor 101. That is the second to last floor.

"Can I just get past you, please?!"

It is 7:38 AM in New York City. The sidewalks are crowded with men holding brief cases with gray suits and women with dresses and heals. You already know where everyone is going. Work, it's pretty obvious. It's like the people of New York have a schedule at the same time. 5-9 AM is the time to go to work then everyone gets home at the same time. You are rushing down the sidewalk trying to get to work before you are late. Your feet are killing you speaking of which you are walking in heels. You bump into someone. Her papers go everywhere. The wind pushes them away.

"Watch where you're going! Those were some important fucking papers." She says picking up 2 papers that were near by. You noticed her. She was beautiful. She had blue eyes and green roots. She had a cup of coffee in her hand that almost fell out. Her skin looked as smooth as silk and it was very pale.

"I'm so sorry, I'm late for work and people kept bumping into me and-"

"I don't care. Just move out of my way." She says to you as she brushes past your shoulder. What a fucking asshole.

"ASSHOLE!!!" You yell back at her. You look at your watch and realize that you are 2 minutes late for your first day. You quickly forget about what just happened to you and run into the Empire State Building.

It is packed as hell in this building. You quickly look for an elevator and realize that there are 3. 2 of the elevators have long lines which you couldn't wait in. The last one was a handicap elevator. Big enough to fit any sized wheel chair. You run over to the handicap elevator and cut in front of a handicap man.

"Hey! It was my turn to go in the-" His sentence was cut of by the elevator doors closing on him. You click the "Floor 101" button and wait patiently, out of breath. You make it to the 101st floor. It's so peaceful up there. All you can hear are distant chattering, phone lines ringing, and keyboard typing.

"Hi! May I help you?" Says a girl who walks up to you. She has brown hair and green eyes. They look like contacts. She's wearing red lipstick with brown eyeshadow. Her outfit looks like it was $10 at the nearest gas station. It was hideous.

"Hi, I'm Y/N and today is my first day." You reply. She has the biggest smile on her face. You see some lipstick between her teeth.

"Ohhh! I read your application and know just what you will be!"

This is it... you will finally get the job of your dreams!

"Follow me!" She says. She walks down the hallway. Every time you pass a office, you can't help but to look inside of them. Everyone has a cup of coffee and a donut. You and the girl then stop at a door. She opens it.

"Here is where you will be working from now on!"

You are shocked to see the boss organizing the bookshelf. You read the door and it read "BOSS: BILLIE EILISH"

Okay hiiii! Thank you for reading the first chapter of My Boss, Mrs.Eilish! I will have more chapters soon! Xoxo!

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