One Too Bold - 1

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Chapter One: One Too Bold.


(3rd PoV) {With Arrien}


"There she goes!!" The guards shout, pointing down the long corridor within the vault.

The guards begin after her.

Two guards, five guards, twelve guards-- too many to count. So many after the thief who's managed to slip right past them. Well, making them look like incompetent fools is definitely a motive of sorts, especially when their precious Soffirine crystal has been snatched. The thief is quite famous for her skills...

"Let her get away, and it will be your head on the line!!" Shouts the guard captain.

The guards of the world Nithin are particularly stubborn-- and they were supposedly the best at their jobs. That would be guarding the vault. But whoopsie! Looks like she got in.

What a joke, am I right?

The guards -- as they pursue the she-demon-- bring up their cross bows and fire down the narrow hallway. But this thief has a profession in dodging, and is actually quite cocky about it. Arrien of Devils, that's what they call her, and it's all because of her casualty count.


Arrien runs down the corridor as the arrows sling from the crossbows. She slides down towards the floor, gliding down the path further and evading the arrows. She jumps to her feet as the first round of arrows pierce the wall at the end of the path.

"Fire again!!"

The guards load the second round, as everyone turns round a corner. Arrien bounds off the wall, kicking off it as the shots are directed towards the center of the slim space. They miss her. Again. A smug smirk crosses Arrien's lips as she dashes up the steps for the outside of the underground vault. She clicks a button on her arm brace and an oxygen helm snaps up around her face. No oxygen could be a problem usually. Thankfully, though, there's a bubble shield around the top of the stairs, and on this side, there's oxygen kept in.

Arrien crosses the shield to the other side, triggering an alarm while she makes her way through the bubble. A loud wailing siren cries out over the fortress vault, alarming more guards of the thief's presence. But by the time they all get to the top, it's too late. They catch a glimpse of Arrien waving back to them as her getaway ride hauls her off. With the crystal.


{With Jim, Toby, and Claire}

Things are tense in the room, where Claire interrogates their source for the Soffirine Crystal.

"You're gonna tell me where it is, and I might be swayed to let you go with no strings attached." Claire stabs a fork into the wooden table--- they are in a restaurant, after all.

"I-I-I don't know where it is! And even if I did, why would I lie to you? I'd l-like to keep all my fingers intact!!"

"Bullshavick! We know that you're a values trader, Joey." Jim steps in, glaring at the informer.

"Shh! Please! I can't risk getting caught!"

"Oh, is that so? Then it would be a shame if we were to just... hand you over."

"They'd recognize you too! You'd be put in the same cells I would!!"

"Wanna bet?" Claire smirks, slamming her hands down on the table.

Tales of Arcadia-- Space_Thief AU!!Where stories live. Discover now