Let's Steal Something- 6

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(Chapter 6) | {Let's Steal Something}


In the past hour, they have bickered. Douxie and Krel. Hah. They don't mix well, I'll say that much. They have bickered over stupid stuff, too. You see, Krel's been trying to construct a stun drone-- a drone that when locked onto its targets will expel a couple hundred volts of electricity to literally stun the victims. But Douxie and Krel have been so petty about their arguing that the drone has actually fallen backwards in productivity. Not getting done and taking steps back.

I plug my ears as now, they're squabbling over Douxie's spacecraft. Again. This is, what, the third or fourth time?

Still haven't seen Aja around. But this petty arguing is getting on my nerves. I mean, who are they trying to impress? It's silly and childish!

"That's not where that goes." Krel scowls, as Doux places a wrench of sorts on a cart.

"Sorry, let me try and find where it's supposed to go-- along with the care I give that I lost somewhere about forty-five minutes ago."

I roll my eyes, having had enough.

"THAT'S IT!!" I scream, gaining both of their attention.

"I've had it up to here with all the quarreling! Go at each other's throats-- i don't care anymore! But I'm going to go find Aja."

I sigh a harsh breath, walking for the door.

"Getting away from the children."

"I'm going to come with you." Archie declares.

I mutter a 'fine' and take off out of the room to the rest of the base. I head around the corners, down the stairs, down three floors and into the training section. Basically Aja's floor. She practically lives down here, even though she has a real room a few floors up. I have a room here, but I usually am not around to use it. I walk in silence with Archie following me in a cat form-- an earth cat form.

I can't stand silence when it's like this.

"So, is he usually like that?"

"Like what?" Archie ponders.

"So quick to start arguments with guys?"

"... No actually. It's uncommon to see him irritated or that bickersome. Usually he's at peace with other beings."


We come down a hall where one of the training room doors are open. Archie and I approach, peeking into the room to see Aja dueling blank robots; type of combat: ranged. She's wielding a serator gun and the three blanks have regular spears. I stand back alongside Archie for a moment to watch her train.


Aja stands on the open ledge that hangs solid from the ceiling, loading the ammo in her serator. The three blanks are waiting for her below, about 4 feet below the ledge. There's a few ledges hanging around the room, but they're equally spread out. Hard-- if even possible alone-- to jump between them. Aja leaps off the ledge and barrel rolls down to the floor. I watch as she fumbles her landing and the training session ends by her being caught.

Then, after she shoots a hole in the wall, I walk in, followed by a cautious Archie. I wave to her in greeting.

"Hey, Aja."

"Oh. Arrien. What are you doing here?"

"Ugh, I couldn't stand Krel and Douxie's arguing so I came to find you for a break from them."

"Douxie? Who is Douxie?"

"A new partner in crime for me. He's helping me with something and in exchange I'm helping him with, well, laying low." I shrug.

"I see. And who's this?" Aja bends down to wave at Archie.

"That's Archie."

"Pleased to meet you." The cat says, startling Aja.

"Whoa! The cat can talk??"

"Indeed." Archie says.


"Well, in any case, I'm bored and irritated, and by the looks of it, you could use some real life practice. Wanna go steal something?"

"Heh. How did you read my mind?"

"Lucky guess. So is that a yes?"

She nods.


I pull out a pocket sized hologram screen, and open it up by pulling the sides apart. A screen comes between both ends and projects a three-dimensional hologram before us.

"Here's some things on my to-steal list."

Aja leans in, looking at the list.

"The Gem of Avalon, a famous Rancie painting, a new spacecraft, the queen of Arcadiano's crown, a dragon egg... A dragon egg?"

"Yeah. I want a dragon."

Archie clears his throat, as if offended. I look down at him and see him frowning at me.

"Yeah but, I mean an Easka dragon. You know, the dragons of the universe."

"Lively! That would be amazing!"

"That's where you're wrong," Huffs Archie, "Easka dragons are vicious, and are difficult creatures."

"That's why I'd hatch it. From an egg. That way I'm the first one it sees and respects."

"Hah. That's humorous."

I roll my eyes. Aja gasps and points to one thing on the list that catches her attention.

"You know the location of the diamillion caves?"

"Tch, of course. On one of the four Sagita moons."

Ah, the diamillion caves. Supposed to be filled with hundreds of extremely rare gems that you can't find anywhere else in the next 13 galaxies. These gems will make us filthy rich with the right buyer.

"Is that where we wanna go?"

"Absolutely! Though, I don't think it will be much of a thieve."

"Actually, I heard that a couple dozen years ago, some trapper found the caves and put traps all throughout the caverns to keep others out of his mine. So, maybe if we're lucky that'll be true."

Aja smirks and nods her head.

"Cool! Let's go!!"

She grabs my wrist and drags me along, taking me to her spaceship.


Sorry this was shorter. But hope you enjoyed nonetheless. :D

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