Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Hey guys, been awhile and I'm very sorry. having work, taking care of family and streaming at the same time really eat my time.

And yes I'm a streamer now

But I'm here with chapter 4 with a surprise guest

Opening – Haruka Mirai

Rurorona village

Night time

At the center of the village, a big bonfire be seen as all the villagers are having feast with the meat that their guardian brought and cook for them.

A lot of adult villagers were happily eating their meal with their friends and families, while the children has star in their eyes as they were entertained by Kiba who make a small show for them, like skilfully cutting the meat in mid-air and perfectly caught all the cut pieces with a large plate.

Heck, even the Cerberus is happily chowing down some of the cooked meat its master made for him.

Off the side were the Governor of Village, Lord Seaetto, and the Shield Heroine, Iwatani Naomi.

All the villagers were shocked to see the legendary hero in their Village. The Shield Hero to the boot.

Lord Seaetto have asked on why Kiba decide to summon the shield hero and his replied is...

"I might able to fight off the wave but who's going to protect the civilian nearby if I'm not there? Plus, Aragami might appear and I'm the only one to be able to kill them."

The half-human was right, to stop the wave from summoning more monsters they have to kill the boss of the wave.

But, If Kiba went to kill the boss, who's going to protect the civilian that was caught in the crossfire.

And the creature from Kiba's world might appear too, with him being the only person able to kill it.

Yes, Kiba had explained to him that Aragami cannot be kill by any normal means only with something call Oracle Cell(which is what form the Aragami) can harm and kill them.

Now Lord Seaetto is currently explaining everything to Naomi about this world and its currently situation on the request by Kiba since he himself know more about it then The God Eater.

"So, this world is slowly being destroy by a phenomenon known as the Wave of Calamity that summons monsters from another world to this world. And the only way to stop it, was to summon the 4 legendary heroes that can deal with the wave with their legendary weapon? Now, I'm one of the heroes, the shield hero to be exact. And the one who summoned me, Kurogane-san, is also from another world, but was dragged into this world because a monster that he was chasing from his world was transported here" Naomi recounted everything that was explained to her just now.

Lord Seaetto nod his head "Yes, that's about everything. Anything else you would like know?"

Naomi P.O.V

I sigh, this was supposed to be like any normal day I had, studying, playing games, watching anime, reading manga or other Otaku-like activities.

But what I got was me getting summoned into another world.

When I was going to the library to study, I stumbles upon an interesting book known as 'The Record of the Four Holy Weapons'.

As I was getting to the good part, all the pages after that was blank and then suddenly, I loses conscious. Upon waking up, the first thing saw was a boy about my age with horn growing out of his head and a monstrous right arm.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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