Chapter 3: Costume party

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~No ones POV~

After a few other tests it was the race. You had barely gotten a chance to compete yet so no one really saw your quirk yet. 'Oh boy this is gonna be fun'. You smirked and giggled in excitement as you name was called for the 50 meter dash (sorry if that's wrong I can't remember how far it was). You were racing against a tall blue haired boy named Iida who looked pretty fast. Judging by the engines in his legs.

The two of you were getting into your places when a brilliant idea popped in your head. This morning when you told Kaminari about your quirk, you didn't necessarily lie. But you may have kept a little secret to yourself. You can not only manipulate pulses of electricity, but also travel through them. But the farthest you've ever been able to go was 2 kilometers (approximately 1 mile).

You and Iida were getting situated when the class started to hear thunder and see storm clouds.

~Your POV~

Once I heard the thunder I looked over at Ryn who signed 'beat 'em into dust (n/n) (nickname)' using sign language. I smiled and nodded in response.

~No ones POV~

Kirishima looked at the shorter female next to him with curiosity.

"Did yo-"

She cut him off. Then smiled and winked at him.

"I dunno what you're talking about Sharkie."

Aizawa sensei blew the whistle, but before Iida could barely get a few feet ahead you were on the other side in a flash. Beaming with happiness.

"62 milliseconds." He stated. And just like before, everyone's jaw was on the ground and they were struggling to pick them up again.

" did you do that?!" Kaminari asked you as you practically skipped back over.

"Oh I just created an electric surge to travel through from the electrical friction that Ryn made for me from those storm clouds. I can't travel through the ones I make myself yet, they're not big enough." You explained to both him and the others around you as you and Ryn did your secret handshake without even looking at each other. (SKILLS right there).

~Your friendly neighborhood time skip brought to you by me, who just spent two hours on Pinterest because it's like a shopping mall for stuff I'll never have~

(Sorry if this isn't in linear order, I can't quite remember it that well)

Everyone had changed back and were seated back in class when Allmight entered.

"I AM HERE!!!!!! Walking through the the door like a normal person!" He shouted in his signature pose.

He explained how he was your hero training instructor, and to go get your brand new hero costumes that each of you had designed.

You walked over to the case with your number on it and picked it up.

".....oh boy..this'll be good.." you stated sarcastically.

~Another time skip cus I said so, may the power of Asahi compel you~

The girls were changing into their hero costumes back in the locker room.

"C'mon (y/n) I bet it's awesome." Uraraka tried to comfort you but you weren't having it.

"That may be but I didn't even design it so how do I know if it'll even fit." You puffed out your cheeks in a pout.

"Yeah yeah, I designed it so you know you'll look hot. Or are you just tryna impress a certain sparky blonde?" Ryn smirked at you knowingly.

"WHAT NO, DON'T BE-fine, yes......." you gave up almost immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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