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It was almost my first day attending UA. I used to go to school at Shiketsu high. Honestly, I really hated that school, it was just so boring and I never got along with anyone. I don't know why but they all hated me. I always had to eat lunch alone and I never got picked for any group activities. I didn't want them to hate me even more so naturally, I learned to shut up. It also doesn't help that I've been going through a lot recently. It would've been comforting if they talked to me, but instead they all just ignored me.

Actually, I'm really excited to go to UA. When I had to move, and was looking for a new school, UA caught my eye. I mean, it is one of the best hero schools you can go to. And when I saw the sports festival I nearly passed out with excitement! They were all so talented, especially class 1A. They were so cool (except for the grape looking guy) that I even took the time to memorize there names. My parents say that was kinda creepy of me to do but I'm just so excited to go to their school! I let out a small squeak from all the overwhelming excitement. "Calm down (Y/N), calm down." I told myself.
                              . . .
A week passed by and before I knew it, It was the first day of school. I got dressed and took my bicycle out of my garage and left my house. It was a long way there so I decided to call my friend. She was the only one who liked me at my old school.

"Hey Chaaya." She gasped as if I offended her. "GIRL IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU CALLED ME! I STARTED TO THINK YOU WERE NEVER GOING TO TALK TO ME!" She said in a sassy voice. I chuckled. "Sorry I've just been really busy recently." She sighed. "It's ok, oh wait isn't today the day you go to UA?" She asked. "Well, yes but I decided to facetime you since it's a pretty long way to get there on a bicycle." She smirked. "Remember how we used to race each  other?" She said in the voice she made when she had an idea. "Of course I remember dumby." She smiled even bigger.

"We should race each other right now!" I looked at her in a confused expression. "Looks like you've finally lost your last braincell. How on earth do you think we can race each other when we're so far away from each other?" She looked at me blankly. "We can keep track of how fast we go everyday and see who wins." She said. "I guess that would work" I started to go a little faster on my bike. "I like the effort you make to redeem yourself but you know I'm going to win just like I always do" I said. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Don't get cocky, your on!"

I then ended the call and started speeding down the trail. I felt the cold air brush through my hair as I zoomed by all the shops. I absolutely love the refreshing feeling you get when your outside in the morning. It makes me feel I'm flying. All of a sudden I see a bunch of people in front of me.

I had arived at school! Then a sudden realization hit me. I was going way to fast and couldn't stop. I started to panic. Everyone backed away from me as I was crashing down towards them. All of a sudden, I heard someone scream and before I knew it I was laying on the ground next to some boy that I knocked over. "I am so sorry!" I said apologizing to him.

The boy didn't move. I started to panic even more. Had I just hurt someone really badly? For all I know the poor guy could be dead! I then heard him laugh. "You should've seen the look on your face!" He rolled over and clenched his stomach with laughter. I sighed. "Thank god your okay. Don't scare me like that." He looked at me with the sweetest smile and then I realized who he was.

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU DENKI KAMINARI?!" He looked at me confused. "Um yes, how did you know?" I leaped up and down with excitement! It was him, one of the guys from the sports festival! "I saw you at the sports festival. You were amazing!" He blushed. "Hehe thanks." I lended him my hand and I pulled him up. He blushed again. "So, are you new here?" He asked me.

"Actually I am. I used to go to school at Shiketsu but I moved here." I said. "Thats interesting. Well since your new here I'll help you find your class." He said. I was so glad I had someone to help me because I didn't actually have a clue on what I was doing. "Oh and by the way, what's your name?" He said while pulling up my bike from the ground.

"My name's (Y/N)." He then handed me my bike and looked up at me. "Wow that's a very pretty name." I blushed. He's was so kind to me. UA was already feeling a lot better than Shiketsu high. "So, what class do you go to?" He asked me. I scratched the back of my head "Actually I haven't checked yet." He shook his head in a jokingly manner. "Well check it silly!"

I put down my backpack and pulled out a small slip of paper and handed it to him. A big smile appeared on his face. "Your in class 1A! That's the same one I'm in." He said happily. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Not only had I met someone that I thought I'd never meet, I also am in the same class of all the amazing students from the sports festival! I squealed with excitement. "I can't believe it! I can already tell I am going to love this school!" He looked at me with a pleased expression. "I'm sure you will."

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