Pg 4

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IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!😭 I've just been having some issues with my family and stuff but I'll try to update more often!

I felt a little uncomfortable since I had a feeling something was about to go down...

(Omg the cringe in this fyioghjldjx I can't believe I wrote this)

Denki grabs my waist. I can't believe I'm actually making out with him, I mean, we were just friends right?! I Panic a little so I just keep kissing him. I can tell he hasn't kissed anyone before by the way he was kissing me, it didn't seem very ✨p r o f e t i o n a l✨ (lmao sry Denki). Suprisingly, I think my kissing was pretty well. We stumble back in the house and continue to make out with each other.


I sit him down on the couch and sit on his lap as I continue to kiss him. I then trace my finger on his lip. His lips were so soft...not any bumps, completely smooth. It was almost as if he put chapstick on them 24/7. I hear him moan little and it is ADORABLE! His moans is like a little dog wimper. "Aww!" I accidentally say. I said it quietly so I hoped he hadn't heard me but it was obvious he had because he started blushing and stopped kissing me. I chuckle. "What?! Your just really cute!" I say smiling at him. He blushes even more. "N-no I'm not! Kirishima said I was manly!"

My heart melted after I heard him say that. Everything about him is just so cute! Everything he says is just cute! I made up my mind at that moment, I. Love. Him. I shut him up by kissing him even more. I can't help it, he's just sooo addicting. After a little while he puts his hand on my stomach underneath my shirt, pushing me away. "U-um its getting pretty late haha..." I hear him say. I was a little mad. I really didn't want him to leave but he has too so I guess I can't do anything about it but be sad. "Aww man! Alright I'll help you out."

I watch him as he takes his stuff and heads out towards the door. He seems to be shaking as if he was scared, even though he was smiling. I guess he's just shoken up. I unlock the door and he steps outside. "Thanks for having me over." He says. I giggle. "No thank you!" He smiles at me as he turns to leave, but before I close the door behind me he grabs my hand and kisses it very passionately and slowly. It caught me by suprise. I don't why it did even though we literally just made out, but it was just so romantic. And to top that he also looked at me and said, "No thank you, darling."

AAAAHHH he's so cute! If this was any other occasion, I would have counted it as cringy BUT THIS WAS VERY DIFFERENT! I didn't know what to do so I just let out a soft moan, which I immediately regretted because it ended up with Denki blushing, losing whatever confidence he just had, and me embarrassed for life. "Haha bye!" And just like that, I shut the door on him. I lay my face on the door and let out a satisfied sigh. Then after that I start to hear something outside.

I open the door slowly, leaving only a small slit to look out of. There I see, Denki skipping away from my house, singing a song. The lyrics go something like "Yeah, I just kissed a gurl! Yeah, I just kissed a gurl!" He was singing it in cursive btw. I guess he felt like someone was watching him or something because he turned around saw me staring at him with a smile on my face. I held my mouth, trying to not laugh cause I didn't want to be rude. "Good singing Denki- BAHAHAHA!" I said.

I couldn't hold it in anymore so I started laughing like a maniac. "H-hey! Thats mean!" He yelled. I clenched my stomach in pain with the amount of laughter erupted from my mouth. Though, I managed to say, "S-sorry!" even though I was still laughing. He just sighed, shook his head in a jokingly matter, and ran off to his house. I chuckled as I closed the door. I was so excited about what happened today even though I was tired af. I decided to watch some Netflix and eat some popcorn.

I should sleep, but I just thought I would use my moms appearance as a reminder to go sleep (In case your confused what I meant, it means that when my mom comes back from what she was doing I will go to sleep, kinda like she's the alarm on your phone telling you to go sleep). After 3 movies later, my mom still didn't come back home. "Huh, that's wierd?" I said to myself. I brushed it off, assuming she was just busy doing something important. I looked at my watch and realized it was 4 IN THE MORNING! Crap! I have school tommorow! I thought.

I went upstairs and got ready for bed. I lay my head on my pillow and stare outside my window. I liked to study the stars at night, they were really cool and interesting to me. Why are they so bright?! Honestly, it's just so amazing and beautiful! Eventually, I fell asleep. The next morning I get ready for school, really tired. There was nothing I could do about it though, so I continued to brush my teeth even though I was practically sleeping. I picked my favorite pair of clothes to wear to school today and ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

I pour myself some milk in a bowl and messily threw in some cereal in it. For some reason the first crunch of any type of cereal was always the loudest, or at least it was to me. I woke up surprisingly early, since I had slept in 4 in the morning. I was about to take my 4th bite when I realized something was off. I looked around but everything seemed normal. Hmm. I wonder if I'm just being wierd...then I realized, where was my mom?! She probably just over slept since she was late last night, right?!

I speed walked to my moms room, trying not to worry but she wasn't there. Okay, this is getting weird. Where in the world is my mom?! I looked everywhere around my house but she was still no where to be seen. I felt my breathing increase so I tried to take deep breaths. I was NOT trying to panic right before school. Maybe she left early? Yeah, thats got to be it. I continued to eat my cereal but after a couple minutes I heared a knock on the door. "Mom!!" I yelled with glee. I rushed to the door, almost tripping on the rug.

I open the door but to my shock a bunch of people came in. Some had one of those reporting caneras they had in the news. Wait- it was the news! The other people swarmed all over my house and all over me, asking me so many questions I couldn't even hear what they were saying. A woman with one of those cameras pointed it at me and said, "And...action!" to the person behind her. All of there cameras turned on and they all shoved mics in my face.

"W-wha-" I started to say but the woman cut me off. "Are you y/n l/n?!" She asked. "Uhh yea-" I said but she cut me off again. "How do you feel about this?!" She asked me. I was really confused. "How do I feel about what?" I asked her. "What do you mean- wait, don't tell me, do you not know what happened?" She said. I nodded my head in agreement. They put there mics down and looked at each other. They looked at each other like they were worried or something, which made me uncomfortable.

Then they suddenly put the mics back in my face. "How do you feel about your mothers tragic event?" She asked me again but this time explained it better. "Tragic event? What? W-what happened to my mom?!" I yelled. "Your mom, m/n l/n, was almost killed by the league of villians last night as she was trying to buy something at the grocery store. We believe they wanted her to tell them something that she didn't want to say, so they abused her very brutally. Here, heres a picture." She said as she handed me a picture of my mom.

Before I looked at it though, I was still processing what she had said. My mom was attacked? And by the league of villans?! No way! I just can't believe it! I finally look at the picture and let out the loudest scream I've ever let out in my entire life. Everyone went quiet almost immediately. I screamed again but more quieter as I slowly dropped down to the floor. Tears running down my face. My mom, who was smiling and healthy just a second ago, was now ruined. Yes, ruined.

I couldn't even recognize her anymore. Her arms and legs seemed broken, her face was all scratched up, and she was super bloody all over her body especially her ear. "That was a nice reaction!" I heard the woman whisper to the other guy who also had a camera. She put the mic in my face expecting me to talk. "What- get, GET THE DAMN FUCKING CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I KILL YOU!" I screamed as I pushed the camera away from me. They gasped as I got up and ran out if the house. They followed me but I ran faster and faster. I had to find my mom, I had to! The thought of her being dead only made me run faster and faster to the point that not any of the entire group of people behind me could catch me and there were like A THOUSAND of them chasing after me. That didn't matter though, all that mattered right now was that I find my mom.

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