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He looked at me with a pleased expression. "I'm sure you will." Kaminari and I walked through the halls and I watched as we passed each class. "Finally, were at class." He said. I looked up and saw a couple people in the classroom and I immediately new who they were. "It's Izuku, Iida, and Kirishima!" I said pointing at the window. He smiled. "You sure know your stuff." He opened the door and led me in. The 3 students started at me in confusion and curiosity. "Who's she?" Kirishima aksed. "That is not a proper way to great someone!" I heard Iida say.

Izuku smiled at me and took his hand out gesturing to shake hands. I shook his hand and smiled, trying to hide the excitement inside of me. "So, are you new around here?" Izuku said. "Yes I am." I said. "Thats cool, oh and by the way, you can call me Deku." The rest of the class then started gathering inside as they all stared at me. Kaminari then put his arm around me with a proud expression. "Guys, this is (Y/N)." Jiro looked at him as if she was annoyed. "I think she can introduce herslef Kaminari."

He just ignored her and takes his arm off of me. I started to blushed a little. I see someone walk in the classroom as everyone takes a seat, leaving me standing. The guy had long dark brown hair and a scar on his right side of his face. He was also wearing a yellow sleeping bag. "I see your already here. Usually new students are a little late to their class." The guy looked familiar but I hadn't recognized him.

"Allow me to introduce myslef, I am your teacher Shota Aizawa but please call me Mr. Aizawa." He said. I smiled at him and shook his hand. "I'm (Y/N)." He gestured me to his desk and made me stand in front of the class. "Introduce yourself to your classmates." He said to me. I took a deap breath and started speaking. "Hi everyone, I am (Y/N) and I am really excited to go to school with you guys. I used to go to Shiketsu high but transferred to this school. Oh, I aslo forgot to mention that I already know all your names so there's no need to introduce yourselves."

Some people smiled at me while others just stared at me. I chuckled nervously. "Oi dumbass how do you know our names." I looked over and saw a very familiar face. It was the angry kid that won the festival. "Well I watched you guys at the sports festival and just ended up remembering your names." I said embarrassed.

He looked at me for a couple seconds, I couldn't tell if he was angry at me or not. He eventually ignored me not trying to make things awkward. "Well you can take a seat next to Tsuyu." He said pointing towards a desk. I sat next to Tsuyu and she smiled at me. "Hi there." She said to me. "Hi Tsuyu!" I said back. " I know you said not to introduce ourselves but I'm Tsuyu and I'd prefer it if you called me Tsu." She wispered to me since Mr. Aizawa was starting a lesson. "Ok." I whispered back.

"Today class, we will be practicing our attacks. We will have some heros, and teachers from our school to attack you guys. Yes, I know this is not what I said we'd be doing yesterday but since we have a new classmate here I'd like to see how her quirk works." Everyone nodded, though some seemed a little disappointed. I went to the girls locker room and changed into my hero suite. "You look so cool!" Mina said to me. "Aww thanks, you look cool too." She smiled. " Let me show you were we go to train." She said. "Oh thanks I was just about to ask."

The day has been going pretty smoothly to me and it was really fun! We walked to the training field and waited until Mr. Aizawa came. After a while of waiting I see him walk into the field with 4 people behind him. I squint my eyes to see who he brought with him and I gasped. "Oh my god it's All Might!" He turned towards me and put a huge smile on his face.

"Haha, yes it is I, All Might. You must be new here." I smiled at him and nodded my head. "Well young lady, what's your name?" He said. "My names (Y/N)." I said back. "It's nice to meet you (Y/N), I can't wait to see what amazing quirk you have!" He then turns back into his normal form. I almost screamed but then remembered that it was his natural form and that it would be very rude, so I shut my mouth.

"Anyway, as you can see, I brought All Might, Midnight, Gang Orca, and Fat Gum with me for today's training." Mr.Aizawa said. "I will separate you guys into groups and each group will have to fight a different hero." We all nodded our heads in agreement. "Todoroki, Sero, (Y/N), and Uraraka, you guys will be fighting with Fat Gum. Bakugo, Momo, Tsuyu, and Iida will be fighting with All Might. Mina, Shoji, Aoyama and Kirishima you guys will fight Gang Orca. Jirou, Kouda, Mineta and Tokoyami, you'll be fighting Midnight. And lastly, Satou, Denki, Hagakure, and Midoryia will be fighting with me. Are there any questions?"

No one said anything so we all got into our groups and started our training. Fat Gum smiled at us waiting for us to attack him. Todoroki jumped towards him while ice came out of his hand, but Fat Gum remained standing. I decided to take into action. My quirk is slicesation, which basically is were I can move my fingers in any motion I want and it will cut the enemy. I can control how deep the cut can be, to the point I can cut someone's limb completely off. However, the farther the enemy is, the harder it is to make deeper cuts.

I jump up in the air as I move my fingers, but I made sure not to cut to deep, I mean I didn't want to cut his body completly in half. The group looks at me in amazement while tge blood dripped from Fat Gum. He had been covered with small cuts, but they were deep enough to hurt. He looks at his cuts and then looks up at me. "That's an impressive quirk of yours, but that's not enough to stop me!"

Uraraka used her quirk to fly him into the air, but it seemed to take a lot of energy from her since he was so heavy. Sero tapes him up and Todoroki freezes Fat Gum. Before he could make a move I ran up to him and cut him over and over again until he was to tired to attack back. "Ok guys, training is over." Mr. Aizawa said. We all changed into our clothes and went back into our classroom.

The rest of the day was just Mr. Aizawa giving us boring lessons. As soon as class ended I hopped on my bike and rode back home. I was about to take the turn that leads to my house but someone stopped me. "Hey there little girl." I looked up to see who it was but I couldn't tell since they were wearing a mask, but I could tell they were a girl. The girl also had blonde hair, which looked familiar but I couldn't tell who she was.

"Um who are you?" I said confused. "Oh don't worry about that, just come with me." I looked at her in suspicion. She looked at me and then smiled. "Come on, it's like I'm gonna hurt you or something." I shook my head. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." Her smiled then turned into a frown. "I said come with me!" She grabbed my hand and started to pull me. "Hey! Leave me alone! Let go!" I yelled desperately trying to get her hand off, but the more I tried the tighter her grip became.

"L-let g-go." I said slowly loosing my consciousness because of the pressure on my wrist. I started to see black spots in the sky and started tripping as I tried to run away. However all my efforts were hopeless, I just became weaker and weaker. I fell to the ground, but then I heard someone scream. I don't remember what happened after that, for everything became black.
                             . . .
I woke up in a house, laying on someone's bed. I start to get up to see were I was. My arms felt sore and they shook when I tried to move them. "Thank god, your awake!" I heard someone say. I look over my shoulder and saw that it was Denki. I sighed. "What happened? All I remember was that some girl tried to take me with her and then I blacked out." I said.

"I was going to talk to you after school but you were already riding away in your bike, so I followed you and I lost track of were you went but then I heard yelling so I went to investigate and saw you with Toga. I ran up to you and I was ready to attack her, but she disappeared as soon as I got close." He said in a worried voice. "That bich! What does she want from me?" I said angrily. " I don't know. Come with me, we have to go report this to the police." He said.

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