Sneaking Desire

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There were a few last minute things to do down stairs to prepare for our get together. Every month we have some friends over for a fun night in. This month was me and Matt's turn to host. He was pulling food out of the oven and pulling out extra glasses for drinks. I only had about thirty minutes left before people would start showing up.

My makeup was done and my curls were pinned up and cooling. This dress hasn't been worn in months. It tends to be a bit too riskay to wear in public but for a night in, I didn't mind. My friends were usually dressed about the same as this anyways. The burgundy dress hugged my hips perfectly and was just long enough to cover my bottom. Skin tight it fit my waist and boobs quite nicely as well. The plunge neckline would distract Matt all night too.

"Matt! I need my shoes!" My nude pumps were on the top shelf in the closet and there was no way I was reaching them. I finished letting my curls down as Matt came in the room. "Babe people are going to be here soon, you might-" I came out of the bathroom to listen to him but he became locked on my outfit. He was standing there not sure what to say so I decided to ignore his stare and remind him why he came up here.

"Matt... my shoes, then I'm ready." He cleared his throat and pulled my shoes down.
"You look amazing," he gawked as he pulled me in for a kiss.
"You know, we have a little time before people get here."

Matt always made me feel like I was the only one in a room. On the special occasions I'd get dressed up he couldn't take his eyes off me. He was kissing my neck and feeling my waist.

"Babe. People are going to be here soon. And you're going to ruin my hair." He kept feeling down to my hips and then he tightly grabbed my ass with one hand. I lost my breath for a moment and he looked me straight in the eyes. "People can look all they want, but that ass is mine Baby."

After a long, deep kiss, he left me in the room feeling turned on and hot. I fanned myself off a bit and put my shoes on.

Down stairs I could hear people coming through the front door. Our friends are always early. Saying hello to everyone and having brief conversations was almost hazy as I watched Matt from across the room. His dark jeans fit so perfectly and his button up shirt was snug on his shoulders and arms. He refused to button his shirt the right way so some of his chest was exposed and I wanted nothing more than to kiss and feel his strong chiseled chest. I felt myself getting hot again and had to go outside.

I heard the sliding door open behind me. I turned to find Matt with another drink for me. "Thought you might like a refill." His voice was deep and sexy and made me want him more. I took the glass and sipped it as I leaned on the balcony railing. I didn't say a word. Matt knew what I wanted and I knew what he wanted. But our house was full with our friends. I took a deep breath then one more sip.

Next thing I knew Matt was standing behind me with his hips against my behind. With a hand on my hip he pulled me closer and whispered how stunning I looked to him. I felt myself getting wet between my legs and then he began massaging my ass. I could feel him getting hard against me as he kept massaging me. I let out a soft moan and accidentally dropped my drink all over my shoes. "Oh shit."

"I'll get it," he said as he straightened out my dress for me. "Go change your shoes, I got this." Slightly embarrassed but also very turned on and worked up, I kissed his cheek and went upstairs briefly explaining my party foul to everyone I passed.

Up the stairs I kicked my shoes off and put them in the bathroom. Then I stood in the closet trying to reach another pair of pumps. As I stretched, I heard the bedroom door close and lock behind me. "Hello?" I called out falling back onto the heels of my feet. "I figured you'd need some help reaching your party shoes," Matt's deep and sorry voice explained. I pointed to the black ones and took a seat at the edge of the bed with a bit of a pout.

"Will you put them on for me?" I gestured a foot towards him. With a soft chuckle he knelt down at the edge of the bed and took one of my calves into his hand. His touch was gentle yet firm as he slid my shoe on. He did the same with the other then helped me to my feet. With a gentle kiss I thanked him and went to the bathroom mirror to freshen up. I put some more lipstick on and situated my hair. Then in the mirror Matt came up behind me.

He cleared his throat as he grabbed my hips so there was nothing but our clothes between us, "Now where were we before your little spill?" I rested my head back against his chest and put my hands over his as he held me close. "We were getting back to the party we are hosting." I tried to step away but Matt held me in place.

"Just a few minutes," he whispered, "it's all I need."

He reached between my legs and under my dress. I grabbed the edge of the counter to steady myself, "Babe there's people downstairs." But before I could try to reason with him, he was pulling my thong down and I could feel myself getting hot.

He pushed my hair to the side and kissed my neck as he undid his pants. My breaths were heavy with excitement. My pussy was wet and my skin was on fire. Our eyes met in the mirror before us. Filled with lust and a burning need for each other we silently agreed. He used his hand to rub and tease my pussy and clit to make sure I was nice and wet and ready for his cock. Then he slowly pushed himself into me. Feeling his whole length slowly sliding into me sent a shock of pleasure up my spine and a soft moan left my lips.

"Look at how gorgeous and sexy you are babe." Matt instructed me to watch our reflection as he fucked me. I watched my chest become red as I started breathing faster. My boobs were about to fall out of my dress from a combination of Matt's thrusts and the dress's low cut. My curls fell on the sides of my face and became a sexy mess. I gripped the edge of the counter trying to keep my position as Matt fucked me faster. With every thrust he let out a soft grunt and I tried not to scream.

Our eyes met in the mirror again and he grabbed some of my hair in his hand so I had to keep watching. With another hand firmly on my hip my legs began to shake. I bit my lip trying to keep quiet as muffled moans escaped my lips. As my dripping pussy began to clench his long cock, I rode out my orgasm as quietly as possible. Then I felt Matt cum inside me. He left his cock inside me to fill me with his cum as he rubbed and squeezed my ass. I bent over the counter out of breath from this little quickie.

After a few moments he slowly pulled himself out and we could hear how wet I was with a mixture of our fluids. He kissed my shoulder and we each freshened up a bit. Leaving our room with a giggle and a kiss, we went back down to the party. We slipped back into casual conversations sharing flirtatious grins throughout the night.

The party came to a late end and we took turns walking our friends to the door as they left. When it came time for my last friend to leave, Matt was in the kitchen cleaning up. I walked her to the door saying goodbye and telling her to drive safe. Before I closed the door she turned back and stepped closer to me. I focused on what she was about to say. "I don't know what y'all did upstairs," she smirked and I felt my face turn red, "but y'all should go continue because that man cannot take his eyes off you." At a loss for words, I looked at her trying to figure out how she knew. "Sweetheart. Your hair is a gorgeous sex mess and your man is no longer wearing a belt." I let out a slight chuckle at her explanation and rolled my eyes. She walked away with a wink and I closed the door knowing exactly what was coming next.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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