If wishes were horses

19 6 0

If wishes were horses, I'd make the sun stand forever...
Darkness will be no more, as light would persist.

If wishes were horses, I'd keep you with me forever...
Loneliness would be gone, as your presence would feel that space.

If wishes were horses, I'd make happiness last forever...
Sadness would be gone, and the poor would be wealthy.

If wishes were horses, I would ride my dark stallion till dawn...
Spreading all that is good, and making the wicked pay for the darkness.

If wishes were horses, I'd pursue the Lost...
Being the 'Nothing to lose ever' person, as my grace would never be lost.

If wishes were horses, I'd never run out of wishes...
For my darling horse would be by my side always.

If wishes were horses, I'd let them roam free...
I'd lose the restraints and be the best version of me.

If wishes were horses, I'd always wish bright...
Let go of the sorrows and embrace the light.

If wishes were horses, I'd choose the one most bright...
Dashing across the world, spreading heat and light.

If wishes were horses, happiness would be ours forever...
Hurt and pain would cease.

By Wattpad world writers.

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