5 - Imagining Kisses

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Thursday afternoon was the third lunch where Grayson didn't join us.

I didn't want to admit I was disappointed, but I was. I couldn't concentrate on anything my friends were saying -- or well, what Craig was saying.

On Thursdays, Craig had no problem talking for the four of us.

I took a bite of my sandwich. As I chewed, I looked at Craig and pretended I was listening to his D&D recap from last night. It's probably interesting. Craig was a very good storyteller. He used his face and hands when he talked, making expressions and gestures that drew you in.

Then, obtrusively, the questions popped into my mind.

Could I kiss Craig?

The question made more sense than thinking about Jenny Robinson, because the unanswered question remained: Do I like boys?

And Craig was a boy.

But as my eyes drifted to his lips, the only thing I thought was, Craig's lips are small.

I waited for something, anything, to happen inside my body, the famous warmth in my chest that so many books described, or maybe even the goosebumps I got when I kissed Grayson.

But nothing happened. My chest remained bored.

I took another bite of my sandwich, and chewed.


Friday afternoon, a second after I stepped outside the school building, Aria grabbed my arm and dragged me to her own car.

"You're coming with me," she said, her bat earrings glinting in the afternoon sun. "I need a movie night with you."

I knew movie nights with Aria usually included Harry Potter movies, popcorn, sweet wine, and endless conversations about Jenny Robinson.

Normally, I really liked movie nights with Aria. Except I had been looking forward to ride back with Grayson.

I looked over my shoulder and saw him watch us in confusion, before sliding down the hood of his car and walking towards the driver's seat.

His shoulders were slumped down.

"Wait," I said. "I can't just walk away without an explanation."

"I'll wait for you in the car!" Aria said.

There's no time to reply, not if I wanted to get to Grayson before he drove off.

So I did something I rarely did at school.

I ran.

And it's a good thing I did too, because the car was reversing just as I pounded on the hood.

The car jerked to a stop. Through the window, I could see Grayson swear, eyes wide with shock, before he got out of the car.

"Sorry," I said immediately. "I can't drive back with you today. I'm going home with Aria."

"I mean, I saw that," he said, raking a hand through his hair. He still looked a little frazzled.

"Also, I'm sorry for pounding on your car."

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