[Can't help it]

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Zenitsu and Nezuko were left alone at home one rainy night.
(T, fluff)
Posted in Tumblr


It was raining so heavily and Zenitsu got home first before his friends. That's because he promised his Nezuko-chan that he'll go home early and won't take another overtime at the shop he's been working for.

The four of them started living a peaceful life together after Muzan has been vanished and it has been a couple of months since then. It was actually almost a year.

"Don't worry about Tanjirou and Inosuke, Nezuko-chan." Zenitsu assured calmly. "I can hear their voices over at Saburo ojii-chan's place maybe it's too dangerous for them that's why they had to stay there."

However, he sharply turned around realizing that he'd be spending the night alone with Nezuko-chan.

"It's okay. I'm sure I've got nothing to worry about." Nezuko wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's. Zenitsu's heart surely ran away from his chest, his face reddening. "Especially that I got you, Zenitsu-kun."

Oh god. Just oh god. Why was his Nezuko-chan being so cute at the moment when Tanjirou wasn't here?

The blonde dry coughed and pulled his arm away from his girlfriend's grip, scratching his head and making it as an excuse to give them some distance because he might not be able to control himself if this continues.

"H-How about I fold the clothes, Nezuko-chan so that everything's ready before we eat dinner?"

Nezuko was confused for awhile but then took up his offer and started preparing dinner for the two of them.

The rain didn't stop falling as the night went deeper. They both now finished eating and Nezuko advised Zenitsu to take a bath first.

When it was already her turn, she couldn't help but wonder how odd her Zenitsu-kun was acting ever since he went home.

It was unlikely for him to eat in quiet. She felt a little uncomfortable by the way he would avert his gaze away from her when their eyes would meet. He's just like his bubbly self but he appeared very nervous.

She sighed in deep thought and wondered if she had done something wrong. Did he finally wake up and realize that there were other prettier and better girls out there?

When she went out from the bath, she saw him already laid down with his back turned against her and her futon.

She then laid on her side so that she's facing his back. She just couldn't afford sleeping without asking him what's wrong.

"Zenitsu-kun, are you mad at me? Why are you being distant than usual?" She asked while tugging his yukata.

Zenitsu felt guilty by the way he heard how sad he made Nezuko-chan. He turned around and faced her. Sincerity marked the expression on his face.

"Nezuko-chan...I'm just afraid." He gulped and figured out how to say it. "Because if this continues Tanjirou might kill me."

Nezuko laughed at his ridiculousness. "Zenitsu-kun! Nii-san won't do that! Why would he do that?"

He sighed, his hand went up to her cheek and his eyes were focused on hers. "I'm afraid that I might do something really really bad to you."

She gripped his hand, the one on her cheek, and gave him the sweet smile he always admired. "Zenitsu-kun you're too sweet to do harmful things to me."

Zenitsu gulped and closed his eyes firmly as he pressed his forehead against hers.

For a moment, they remained still like that in complete silence.

"Nezuko-chan...can I hug you?" His low and sweet voice echoing in her.


Nezuko felt a very good kind of thumping in her chest. She wanted it too. She wanted to be so close to him. Without any warning, she brought his hand from her cheek and moved it to her waist. "Yes, you can."

The sound of the rain dropping over their roof echoed across their home, however the discontentment from their heart beats dropped harder in their ears.

Zenitsu inched a little closer. Nezuko did the same. Their lips touched.

He started moving his caressing her own with precise and careful movements. His hold on her waist tightened as their kiss deepened.

Soon, his tongue started toying with hers and tracing her lips. This prompted her to instinctively wrap her arms around his muscular frame, feeling his strength as he hovered her.

She was feeling weak yet it's weird how much she's enjoying it. A moan involuntarily escaped from her lips.

Zenitsu came to his senses and parted. There, Nezuko was breathing heavily, face flushed. He's so damn sure he looked worse than her.

"Oh no! I can't help it! I'm sorry Nezuko-chan! It's just you're so cute and-and...I can't forgive myself." He grunted and flew back to his futon, laying with his back turned away from her.

At first, Nezuko didn't know how to process what they did. They never kissed like that before. All Zenitsu was giving her were those sweet little pecks at her lips, cheeks and forehead.

But seeing him react so funnily like that, made her comfortable. He's just also so adorable being her own paranoid mess.

"That was so bad, Zenitsu-kun."

"I know...I know Nezuko-chan. I suck at kissing. I'm hopeless." He cried. She giggled.

"No. I meant you, Zenitsu-kun. You're so bad." Nezuko teased. Then, she admitted shyly, "But...I like seeing that side of you."

He gulped his shock down and faced Nezuko.

"Tanjirou's totally gonna kill me."

Nezuko buried her head on his chest and hugged him, whispering, "Not if he doesn't know."

Zenitsu died before Tanjirou could even kill him. Or maybe that's just how he felt by it.


Enlo everybody!

Tumblr event is about to get finished this month. Right after that, I'll be prioritizing requests from here and Fanfiction.net.

Just hold on!


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