Question 24

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WingDingAster commented:

Hello there kids I have some wisdom for you!Don't eat an apple if it's to big for your mouth.Don't talk if your not willing to shout.

*Frisk woke up and read that*

Frisk:Umm....*shrugs* ok. *looks at Asriel still snoozin* cute............*sigh* Oh when will I have the guts to tell him how I feel?..... *plants a kiss on Asriel's head, then quickly walks away*

*Asriel didn't feel it, but he woke up a few minutes later*

Asriel:Hm? Where's Fr-*sees Frisk enter her room* Oh. Okay. *smiles and gets up* *sigh* Dangit, I need to tell her...

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