Asriel's Birthday

78 0 19

???:Say, Azzy, what's the thing you want the most for your birthday?

Asriel:Oh, that's gotta be a puppy.

-??? aka Memelord disguised knew nobody had gotten him yet, so he now knew what to tell Frisk-

???:Nice. What breed?

Asriel:I've always liked Golden Retrievers.

???:Okay. That's all I needed to know.

*Frisk was waiting outside away from the windows*

Frisk:So what did he say?

Memelord:*takes off disguise* He said he really wants a Golden Retriever puppy.

Frisk:Okay, let's go get him one.

*they head to an animal shelter*

*when they get there, they find an adorable Golden Retriever pupper*

*when they get there, they find an adorable Golden Retriever pupper*

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Frisk:Aww! It's so cute!

Memelord:I'm sure he'd love this one.

*They sign the adoption papers in Asriel's name*

Clerk:Alright, you guys can get her tomorrow.

Frisk:Asriel's birthday is tomorrow so that's perfect.

*they pet the pupper before heading home*

-le next day-

*Asriel's birthday party had begun*

*Toriel and Asgore got him a Samsung Galaxy S8 phone(because IPhones suck lol) as well as a good ol cake*

*Undyne got him a guitar since he wanted to learn how to play it*

*Chara got him a bunch of things(put whatever you want here but KEEP IT APPROPRIATE)*

*Sans and Papyrus got him a pretty cool bike*

*Alphys got him Persona 5, one of the only games he wanted*

*Mettaton gave him a Mettaton Album*


Mettaton:??? Oops! *takes it back* Sorry, that's for someone else. *gives Asriel a Metallica album*

Asriel:Thanks m8.

*Muffet gave him some money*

*Gaster couldn't make it to the party unfortunately, but he did send Asriel a happy birthday video*

*everyone else got him something too(can't heckin think of more things*

*after every other present was done, Memelord and Frisk walked in*

Memelord:Sorry we're late, we had to go get something. *gives Asriel a bag with every MCU movie in it*

Asriel:Thanks! *smile*

Memelord:No problem, but as good as that is, Frisk got you something better. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.

*Asriel closes his eyes and holds his hands out*

*Frisk gets the pupper from the car and puts it in Asriel's hands and kisses him*


*Asriel opened his eyes to see the pupper*

*He hugged it instantly, beyond happy*

*Frisk hugged him too*

Asriel:Thank you so much Frisk!

Frisk:You're welcome Azzy.

-Asriel decided to name the dog Ember-

Awwwww that's so nice. Anyways BACK TO LE QUESTIONS!

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