Question 106

47 1 3

GuyManPersonDude asked

"question! frisk, have you ever seen death? stared it right in the eyes. well, i have created a deadly snas. of course he isn’t as powerful as me. heh. that would just be a disaster. i present to you, drumroll please, straight from hell snas! He is basically omni404 sans, but snasified. say hi to him! he is actually a very nice dude.

SfHS: uH, hEya? niCe to MeEt ya. I-I Llike this UNIvErse! I-I-ITS nICe."

Frisk:Hello. You should like this place, it's overall peaceful here. *turns to GMPD* how many dang forms of Snas are there?!? This one isn't too bad but seriously.

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