Feb. 5

555 23 98

February 5. 8:43pm.

DollyLlama is now online.

UndeadFox is now online.

DollyLlama: heeeyyyy foxie

DollyLlama: have you thought abt how i look like in real life?

UndeadFox: Huh yes, I actually did

DollyLlama: oooh!!! care to elbow rate?

DollyLlama: (elaborate not elbow rate lmao)

UndeadFox: (lol)

UndeadFox is typing...

UndeadFox: Anyways I like to think you have messy hair. Like reli messy hair.

DollyLlama: interesting

UndeadFox: You're white, aren't you?

UndeadFox: Well uhh you feel like a brunet guy

UndeadFox: Ok maybe not totally brunet but with a splash of colour

UndeadFox: maybe red or gold or something

UndeadFox: Nice colours


Conner stared at his phone screen, a little perplexed. Foxie had basically just described his real life hair. He absentmindedly tugged on his (messy, reddish goldish) tresses and chewed on his left inner cheek.

He wondered out loud, "... Is that just a coincidence?"


DollyLlama: glad to know that im handsome in your mind ;)))

UndeadFox: ...

UndeadFox: OH you know what

UndeadFox is typing...

UndeadFox: you know what Llama

UndeadFox: Now I think you have acne all over your face

UndeadFox: little red dots EVERYWHERE

UndeadFox: not so handsome now huh llama ;P

DollyLlama: :(

DollyLlama: big meanie :( im platonically breaking up with you :((

UndeadFox is typing...

UndeadFox: K


UndeadFox: Chemistry neeerd ;P

UndeadFox: Back to the main topic

UndeadFox is typing...

DollyLlama: am NOT a NERD

UndeadFox: You seem like a person with ice blue eyes

UndeadFox: sharp and pretty and kind

UndeadFox: Or maybe it's just because I'm biased XD

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