➸ Chapter Three: Lost in Memories

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As I exit the apartment, I have to take a deep breath, bracing my arm against the wall. I'm obviously too busy trying not to have a panic attack when a man crashes into me. I fall to the floor and my purse spills its contents over the concrete.

The man sighs deeply and drags his hand over his face.

"Just what I needed."

I grit my teeth and arch my brow. I didn't hit into him, he hit into me. But I keep my mouth shut.

He picks up a few of my belongings and hastily shoves them at me. Then, he stalks off. I stare after him incredulously, until he turns the corner and I can't see him anymore.

I collect the rest of my belongings, scanning the ground for anything I may have forgotten. I spot the inconspicuous envelope on the ground that spurred my visit to Carter so soon after arriving in London.

The doorbell rang and I narrowed my eyes at the heavy, wooden door as if I could see past it and make the person on the other side of it go away.

Unfortunately, I had no such luck. The doorbell rang again and with a sigh, I stood up from my crouch and headed over to let in the annoyingly insistent person.

A man was standing directly in front of the doorframe, tapping his leather-clad foot against the floor as if I had kept him waiting for hours instead of seconds.

When he finally spotted me, he sighed, rolling his eyes and dragging his hand through his hair which seemed more mousse than follicles.

"You've been served," He practically threw a manila envelope at me with a flick of his wrist.

"Thanks," I uttered through gritted teeth.

Only after he'd gone did the words really register in my mind. Who the hell would be suing me? And how would they instantly know my new address?

I tore open the envelope, my hands shaking slightly. My eyes quickly skimmed the now crumple white paper. As soon as my eyes settled on 'requests custody', my heart rate doubled. Over the line that said "Petitioner" was Ian Langley and on the line that said "Respondent", Allison Garcia stared back at me.

After years and years of wanting nothing to do with me or Zoe, why does he show up now? It doesn't make sense.

Quickly I shoved my keys and phone into my purse and scrawled a quick message telling my mom and Zoe where I had gone. I had to see Carter.

I hail a cab, my hair streaming in front of my face and cutting the scene in front of me into tiny strips. I leave it, my hands curled into fists at my side and my heart still pumping with adrenaline after my interaction with Carter's surprise guest. I'm freaked out dealing with Ian alone, let alone dealing with two men that broke my heart.

The cab pulls in front of me in a screeching halt of rubber against cement.

I slide into the cab, pulling the door shut perhaps a little too hard.

The inside of a cab always looks the same to me. Dark, slightly sticky seats, usually some sort of wrapper on the floor. Today, the familiarity is comforting. The idea, that no matter how much you change, some things will always stay the same.

"Where to, Miss?" The cabbie asks in a slightly scratchy voice.

"Evolve Dance Studios."

He nods and starts driving.

The events from this morning start to set in. It had been so long since I'd seen Will, I almost thought I made him up. But I hadn't. He was real. Although I hate to admit it, I was beyond happy to see him. After he disappeared I had jumped to the worst possible conclusions, him lying dead somewhere. So, after three years, when I saw him in front of me, alive, it took everything in me not to run into his arms. But I was simultaneously furious. Both he and Carter had lied to me, let me believe the worst had happened. For years. After that revelation, I was having no problems staying away from him. The last thing I needed on top of a court case was unrequited feelings. Though I wasn't always that sure they were entirely unrequited...

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