➸ Chapter Seven: Surprises

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"God, I've been wanting to do this all day," Will whispers, his arms tightening almost infinitesimally around me. Then, he leans in. He brushes his lips against mine, soft enough that I wonder if they touched at all.

He pauses, his eyes searching my face for something. And I wait too, waiting for a sign or something. But I'm tired of waiting for signs. So, I pull Will closer and press my lips against his. A low groan sounds from deep within him and he clutches me closer to him as if he needs me to breathe.

My hands curl around the strands of his hair and my hands are shaking. I've been in love with him for so long that having him so close and touching him feels...beyond surreal.

Will trails his lips along my neck and I toss my head back in abandon. Then, we both freeze as a sound ricochets through the apartment. The sound of a key turning a lock.

We spring apart, each smoothing our clothing so we didn't have to talk about what just happened between us.

Because I'm not really sure what just happened.

Will busies himself with clearing the burned pans and I help him.

Carter strolls into the kitchen whistling and pauses with a start when he sees the remnants of the fire.

"Woah, what happened here?" Carter exclaims.

"We had a bit of a...mishap with the cooking." Will darts a glance at me and I hurriedly back him up.

"Yeah, I tried to cook. It obviously didn't work out."

Carter nods slowly, his eyes drifting between Will and me.

"And nothing else happened?" He asks, obviously picking up on some of the tension in the room.

Will and I shrug noncommittally, again, he nods slowly. Before Will or I could say anything, my phone saves us from any more awkward questions. The caller I.D tells me that it's my mom calling and I pick up.

"Hey, mum."

"Hey darling, you're at Carter's right?"

"Yeah, I was...cooking some breakfast," I say darting a look at Will.

My mom tuts over the line, she knows how much of a terrible cook I am.

"I hope you didn't burn their kitchen down."

"Only a portion of it, Mom," I mutter under my breath, but she still hears.

"Allie," She admonishes before saying, "Put your brother on the phone, darling, I need to speak to him."

Silently, I hand the phone to Carter even after his mouthed requests to tell her he wasn't there. Carter glares at me and I trace the tiles of the floor with my toe, ignoring both Carter and Will at the same time. Who said I can't be efficient?

"Yeah, he is," Carter looks up at Will and continues talking with our mom. "Mom, I'm ninety percent sure he doesn't want to come to your house for brunch. Even if Allie did almost kill him with her cooking."

I glare at Carter and he glares at me right back.

Finally, after a bunch of tinny yelling on my mom's side, Carter sighs and relents.

"Fine, we'll be there at 12. Love you."

He hangs up and hands me the phone.

"So," He begins, "Who's ready for brunch?"

Half an hour later, we show up at my house. My mom opens the door, somehow still looking regal in a cow print apron. Her hair is pulled back in a bun and there's a little dusting of flour across her cheek.

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