Q & A :)

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I'm just writing while I'm waiting for my hair dye to processss

So only one person asked me questions so my ego has deflated and I feel like a loser. :)

Q: who or what inspired you to be a writer?

A: umm I don't think it was anything specific. I've always made up my own little worlds and characters in my head (which I've recently learned that I do it a lot more obsessively than others and it was actually a coping mechanism for childhood trauma :) ) and writing is just a way to get my thoughts out of my head. It's calming to me.

Q: who's your favorite YouTuber?

A: I don't think I have a definite favorite. When I'm on YouTube it's usually for music, not videos. Brandon Farris makes me smile, and I like to watch Safiya Nygard and Danny Gonzales sometimes. I've recently found The Atomic Twins and I like their videos where they cosplay and read really weird fan fiction. I was also definitely into Dan and Phil in the early stages of my eternal emo phase.

Q: what's your favorite wattpad story?

A: I don't have a favorite. All I can really say is that X Readers are my FAVORITE. I don't put myself into the story though, I make my own characters.

I just had my friends ask me questions. Don't take them too seriously. Some are from people at school :')

Q: why are you gay?

A: hold up I'm only partially gay... Also... Titties.

Q: why do you make my balls tingle?

A: you're being intimidated by an alt indie kid and it makes you excited.

Q: the heck, how big is your family!?

A: I have 5 brothers, 2 sisters, 1 brother-in-law, 2 sister-in-laws (maybe 3 soon if my brother is lucky), 1 nephew, 3 nieces, and 2 nieces on the way. :)

Q: why would you dye your hair pink!?

A: shut up I look cool and my parents are disappointed, it makes me happy.

Q: body count?

A: like sex, or murder?

Q: why do you have so many bracelets?

A: kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi kandi

Q: why do you still sleep with stuffed animals?

A: why are you gonna sleep alone for the rest of your life?

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