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     Hi, im Dawn and im 17, yeah I know the worst age;im not old enought to clubs but im too old for 16 hypes*sighs*yeah.i got into a mixed talent school meaning theres musicians professional actors and actresses.im a major in drama but I take art too art.i was really lucky to get in says my mum, I guess I was however it just doesn't feel like I am.its pretty good but I dont know many people.dont get me wrong I do want lots of friends and im quite good at it but I want to choose mine better this year after what happened in the past year...

>on the bus on the way to school listening to her classic rock pop music <

      "nah nah nah.daaaa! I love this bit"-dawn"same!!"-Dani.dani's like my little brother his known me since I was 8 and he was 9, we dont go to the same school and he shouldn't really be on my bus but he has this charm which brainwashes people and lets him get away with anything.in fact I think he could talk himself out of jail.hahah wow.well just incase you were thinking this, I dont like him,he's family.eww,just thinking about it.it sometimes looks like we're dating because he puts his arm around me like the classic couple,my friends tell me that I should just ask him out because apparently he looks at me with a sparkle in his eye and that he thinks im precious but I dont believe them, and again,I dont like him.

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