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'What do you mean you can't marry anyone of them?' My mom asks.
I just informed her that both of the ladies she recommended weren't as close as getting a word from Ummul Khulthum.
None of them impressed me. I know I'm not supposed to judge anyone and all but, first impressions means a lot to me.
When I first met Ameena, she was humble and kept her ideas to herself, she gradually opened up.
Not that she told me everything I needed to know in one day.
The second lady, who's name I can't recall cause it was too complicated to say. I think it started with an E? Or whatever.
She came with her brother too, the lady was a talkative, she asked different questions and gave to many answers to one simple question.
Ummul Khulthum as usual didn't say anything. She didn't even look at the woman.
When the woman's brother saw our expressions he knew we wouldn't get married to his sister and he knew why.
'I won't cause I can't, Ummul Khulthum doesn't like the women nor do I' I say to her.
'But why? Their good daughters of their families, how could you not like them?' She complained
'Because, the first one was talking about getting more kids and the second one just didn't shut up. And I can't deal with more children talk less about someone who would keep shut for some minutes' I defend.
'Oh okay then, I'll get you another woman then. Fortunately they wouldn't be hard to find' she says picking up her phone.
'Um Amma, I don't want to be disrespectful and all but please don't get another lady for me. If Allah wills I would get one when the times right but for now, I'm sorry but I'm not going to dress Ummul up again' I say making sure I put on my serious tone but not too harsh.
'If that's what you want then. I was only trying to help you know' she says sighing and looking at her laps.
'I know you do and your great at it, your just not great at getting a wife this year' I say softly. She smiled at me and I returned the gesture.
My phone rang and I checked it. It was Ummul's school teacher Mr Richardson. The thought of Ummul Khulthum getting into trouble ran through my head.
She always punched her mates in school for some reason unknown, I've tried talking her out of it but she wouldn't budge.
Anytime it happens she always says it's the person she punched that said something inappropriate, but she wouldn't tell me what inappropriate stuff they tell her.
I don't want her to grow up to become a bully, I don't want her to have any regrets in life. May Allah help us. Ameen.
'Hello good afternoon mr Muhammad' he says when u pick it up.
My mom asks who it is and I whisper 'just let it be' then she flies back to her book.
'Salam. Good afternoon to you too me Richardson. What makes you call me today?' I ask already picking up my wallet and kissing my moms cheeks for goodbye.
'Well, there's trouble in paradise again' he chuckled 'but this time she didn't punch anyone, she just punished the kid and the kid fell into the sand. Nothing extreme for their age'
'And do you know why this keeps on happening?' I ask leaving the compound 'cause my daughter never tells me'
'Unfortunately she won't budge here either, nor will the victims. Although a kid did confess about what happened last time' he says
'And which kid is that? And what did he say?' I ask
'The kid is also in her class, he is Imran Suhail AbdulMalik, he was the last victim, he claimed to be at fault, saying he said some awful things about you and her mother' he paused 'I think it's better to speak in person about this matter, but in the mean time, you are needed here'
'I'm already on my way, and my apologies to the parents of the kid my daughter pushed' I said
'That won't be a problem cause your daughter has done that already, it was shocking but it's a good sign she still has her manners' he said
'Oh okay then, till I arrive' I say hanging up from the phone.
By the one I reach the school it's already closing time and my boss called but I told him about what happened in school and he let me off the hook.
Elliot's a single parent too, although he's a divorced man, his wife doesn't live in America anymore. So she's basically out of the picture.
He has a set of twins that are teenagers, his daughters dealing with boy problems and his son, well quite the opposite.
'Here she is Mr Muhammad, have a nice day ahead' her teacher tells me as I enter her classroom.
'Thank you very much, same goes to you all' I Thank them.
'Hi papa' Ummul Khulthum says in a tone not so appealing, she seems sad.
'Hey, let's go to Mr Richardson's office before we go home? Hmm? Cause he said you got into trouble and we need to find out what it is this time around, Okay?' I explain taking her backpack.
'But why? Why do you guys want to find out what it is? It isn't so important anymore okay? Let's just go home! Please I don't want to stay here anymore!' She whines but I am not taking any thing from it.
'No we can't, we need to resolve this issue once and for all, we need to find out what makes you punch them cause if we don't everyone's going to scared of you in the future and you'll regret the decision' I sigh.
'But?- she starts But I cut her off with my hand.
'You're not saying anything else, we are going to his office whether you would like it or not' with that we head to the principals office.
'Good afternoon Mr Muhammad, Ummul Khulthum. Please have a seat' he says pointing at the seats in front of him.
We take our seats, I on the left side and Ummul on the right side. The chairs were cold, probably no one had sat on this for hours.
He cleared his throat and started 'just like we discussed over the phone, she's in trouble again, but not as extreme as the last one we thank the Lord for that' he pauses
'Although we don't know what is the cause of these actions we would have to take matters into our hands. We've all noticed that since these things has started happening, Ummul Khulthum hasn't been her self lately. She talks less, she responds to questions less, she doesn't like talking to her friends again. As if she is having a mental break down. And just as you said, she refuses to tell you the stuff they tell her. She's too afraid to talk about them? Perhaps? Or it's something else entirely?'
'My team and I have suggested countless of things but we have settled down on one thing we think is best for her at the moment' he says looking at her then resuming his gaze back to me.
'And what would that be? I'm sure we would be able to handle it properly, or so' I say.
'Therapy' he says likes it's the most obvious thing ever 'she needs to see a therapist, cause if she does she might start opening up to us, to her friends and everyone else. She might even come to say what they always tell her. But we don't know unless we try it'
'Mr Muhammad, I know you're a very understanding person and all and I'm sure you would understand this and think it through. It's the best option at the moment, but if you think there would be a better way of bringing her out of little bubble. You can choose to use it. But therapy is the best option if you think about it'
'One things for sure, I'm not putting my five year old daughter into therapy. Whether you guys recommend it or not. I'll find another solution to this, she will talk one way or the other, but putting my daughter into therapy? As if she's mentally in prison? And she needs to set her self free? That's a no go. A big for the matter of fact' I say
'Mr Richardson, your a nice and humble man, I like your ways and all but, this is the first thing I would tell you I don't like about you, please do get another solution to this problem, but for now therapy will be off my list' I say as sternly as possible.
I'm already angry but I'm also trying to control my voice, tone and what I say. I don't want to tell him something I'll regret or do something I'll regret.
He shakes his head in understanding and sighs, 'I understand what you mean and I'm happy to hear about my compliments but that's not the case. We know she seems young but sir there are children her age that undergo therapy for the same reason. But if you don't want to enrol her?, then it's okay. As long as we get a way to make her talk, we would all be happy' he says.
    'Thank you very much, we appreciate it, but we wouldn't be able to make her go for therapy. Have a nice day ahead, good bye sir' I said standing up from the chair.
     'Have a nice day ahead too!' He says and waves at Ummul Khulthum who gives a small smile before following me.
    'Abba? What's therapy?' She asks but I don't answer. I'm not in the right mood to talk to her about anything.
     'Abba? What's it like? Therapy I mean?' She still asks but I don't answer her.
     'Abba? Abba?! Abba?!'she says louder from the back seat.
     'Why won't you answer my questions?'she asks.
     'Abba? Did I do anything to you?' She asks her voice already gone down.
     She remains silent for the rest of the car ride back home. And I thank her for that until....
      'Why? Why would you want to do such a thing?' I blow up.
'Hmm? There just has to be a reason why you would do such a thing. If there's a problem say it, no ones going to eat you up. And even if you wouldn't say anything to anyone, I am here aren't I? I won't leave today. I haven't left you have I? But yet you keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again!' I say louder this time looking at her.
      She sniffs and unbuckle her seat belt, leaving the car, running inside.
     I sigh and put my head on the starring wheel. I really need to control my anger next time.
    Oh ya Allah help me! I need all the help I can get.
    I run inside to check on Ummul Khulthum. She's not in the kitchen, living room, dining room nor the library.
    And that's when I decide to check the rooms. I don't bother checking my room cause I don't sleep there. Don't blame me, my late wife's scent still lingers there.
     I open the door and saw her on the bed. Her shoes still on, her backpack on the floor next to her.
    I sighed and walked to the bed, sitting down next to her. I pick her up and hug her. Her tears immediately damping my shirt.
    'I'm sorry for shouting at you Okay?' I say rubbing her back. 'But sometimes I just can't keep it all in you know, it frustrates me everything this happens and you wouldn't tell me or anyone why you did it' I explain
     'I want to go to Aunt Zainab's home. Please take me there, today' she said in between her sobs.
  'Okay I'll take you but at least won't you tell me a reason why you've been doing this? Hmm? Cause we need to know about this okay?' I ask one more time, but she just shakes her head and continues crying.
    'I just want to go' she mumbles her hands gripping my neck tighter. And I also hug her tighter.
     'Okay then, let's get going but promise me you wouldn't cry, hmm? You look awful when you cry. Now let's get you all cleaned up and we would be out in a jiffy' I say trying to lighten up the mood.
     She nods and hops off of my lap, grabbing my hand in hers as we walk to her room.

Its sad to hear that she's not doing great with her father,
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