Ready for more

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Two years ago...

The summer was gone and with that all my willing to be happy, the leaves where leaving the trees and Ryan was leaving the town for chasing his dreams, I was happy for him, he could finally pursue his dreams and become a rockstar. He was leaving this town behind. Day by day I was seeing in his sparkling eyes he was leaving me behind too for something bigger.

The big day came, I put on my bravest face smiling with joy and wishing him the best while he was packing with the band.

"You sure that you can't run away with us right?"
"Yes Ryan I'm sure, but I swear I'll come to all of your concerts when you are around, if you promise me you will wear some t shirts and not only blouses ok?"
"I'll do like the mean girls but instead of "on Wednesday we wear pink" I'll be "on Wednesday we wear T-shirt's" at least I will, you happy?"
"I want photos, I'll be your biggest fan only really far away"
"Promise me I'll see you again"
"I promise"
"Ehi you two, take a room, we shall go mate" shouted Rob from the front of the van.
"See you next month?"
"I promise I'll be there"

I never went to his concerts, we never called each other again and as soon as they moved to Dublin the only way I saw him was by a screen, I stayed their number one fan even by far.


"...and now on Good Morning America the English band Inhaler..." it's 6 am in the morning and I'm wide awake. Both because I'll be late for work and because I was really waiting for this interview. It's raining outside as always, since I moved to London it feels like summer never existed in my life at least in the last three years after I graduated, I start to prepare my breakfast and turn up the tv volume.

"So guys, last year you announced your arena tour, how do you feel about that?"
Ryan smiles he really looks happy, "We feel pretty excited, mostly about the Manchester arena we have tomorrow and next year we hope in a stadium tour" Elijah says, it's a Wednesday and on Wednesday Ryan really kept wearing T-shirt's  and I did the same even if he doesn't know that, I turn off the tv and head to the bathroom for putting myself together cause going to the office is not something I can do with my pijama on.

Around eight I'm still at home turning on the tv again and Ryan is talking "You know it's been two years since we went on tour the first time and lots of things have changed, I sometimes forget the name of half of the people I see when I come back home and I grew up with those people of the neighboured, I miss some others and some aspects of my old life. But this has been and it is for sure the best time of our life and everyday it feels like we haven't seen nothing yet and the best is yet to come."
I turn off the tv and call a taxi the soon I'll arrive at work the better.

"Where do I bring you miss?"
"To the 62nd on the Flowery please"
"Do you work at the Indieteamag?"
"Yes, I'm the director of it"
"My son loves your magazine, he listens to all that loud bands and stuff, I bought him two tickets for that band with that name...of that thing to catch air or something...what's the meaning of calling a band like a pharmaceutical device...this kids are weird now a days"
"Inhaler..." "What?" "The name of the band" "Oh them! The other day he was so excited about a special cover of your magazine about it or something. Ugh! I've spent thousands of dollars on your journal miss" "Ehm, well thank you, you can stop here, keep the change" I say trying to run away from this situation "Thank you miss, they will come back in your pocket anyway".
I close the car door and enter the building, I feel sick already to face this day.

"Good morning James, any messages?" I say passing by my secretary desk, "No nothing yet Viv" "Ok, the meeting starts in five I want everybody in, you either please and a coffee, double espresso please" "Sure"
The door of the meeting room is already open, I sit and wait for the others to come, and find a way to calm myself and to face the next two hours.
"Good morning guys"
"Good morning Viv"
"So today we'll going to discuss the new articles about the new column and about the special of the month. You have 10 minutes to expose your ideas and after that I'll tell you mine"
"What about The Strokes, they have a new album and a new style?" says Betty with new red flaming hair "it's all yours Betty, next" "There's a new emo phase..." "A new emo phase? Again? I'm 25 I've been through 3 Emo phases in my life and I don't think people wants to face that again and certainly neither do I, next" "Daylight is in town this weekend I could interview him for the blusky column" "Ok sure, but write something different cause I'm tired of hearing "what inspired your new song" kind of questions" the timer rang "Well and about the special it's going to be about 'Inhaler', at the Manchester Arena. I will take care of it and manage everything, that's it. Have a nice and productive day"

"...a productive day while I wait for it to end "
"Viv, are you up tonight for the party?" "Yes, James I'm pretty excited to go to a party full of people wearing indie styles clothes all in black and white who thinks that looking like Alex Turner makes them automatically cool" "Ouch, why are you so shady today?" "Sorry, bad sleeping schedule...I'll have some work to do so take care of the rest I don't want any bothers" "Yes, sir."

After spending the day programming the special cover about Inhaler I feel emotionally drained on so many levels that going to an indie party it's the last thing I want. Putting on a smiling face it's my thing and even putting on pearls with a leather jacket and a red lipstick so...

while I'm entering in another taxi my phone rang, a message by unknown:

"I hope it's still "On Wednesday we wear T-shirts" day even for you, whenever you are even if I hope is where I will be tonight" R.

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