Chapter 5

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story by @AgeregressionKitten and @YporquenoCOM

Kace's Pov


I kept whining, avoiding Ria's gaze. I thought that maybe I could hide into Hazel's embrace. I hesitantly looked over Hazel's shoulder where I was hiding and saw Ria staring right back at me with nothing but a serious face. I was taller than her, heck, maybe even older, and yet her tiny muscular body scared me to death.

I didn't know what was about to happen. I knew by the look she gave me that she wasn't happy because I tackled her. But I was trying to protect my friend! It's not my fault she was too close to Hazel.

I was scared because she had on what I guessed was her domme face. Which only let me wonder what she was going to do to me. Will she shout at me? Punish me? Or worse, maybe she would leave and say meeting me was a mistake. That last option terrified me more than the others.

Wait. Was Ria even allowed to punish me? I know she acts like a domme, and maybe she is one. But she isn't mine. She can't tell me what to do!

I decided to make amends and I licked her hand. That should be enough for forgiveness.

"Don't think you'll get out of this by being cute. You were a naughty dog, go back to your room and I'll show you how a good pup must behave."

I looked down and crawled to my room, Ria following close by keeping an eye on me. She closed the door, this time locking it. Then I knew I had no way out of this.

"Sit," she said. I lifted my front paws from the floor and kept them near my chest. "Paws up" I lifted both of my arms and felt a little cold when Ria's metal watch touched my abs. She took off my shirt and circulated me a few times, her green eyes burning fires through my skin. "Stand." I kept looking at her trying to understand what she meant. I tilted my head to the side to let her know I was lost. "Stand" she repeated, making me frown. I tilted my head to the other side. "Jesus, you don't know what 'stand' means? I've got to teach you more tricks."

I nodded. Learning tricks sounded fun. Plus, whenever there's training there's also treats. And I wanted to get some treats.

"Okay then, just lay flat on the floor." I pointed to my bed wanting to lay there instead. "No. You're not allowed on the furniture, you're a dog. Stay on the floor."

I whined and pouted. That was my bed! I slept on it every day.

I didn't want to dig a bigger hole than the one I was in, so I just kept pouting and whining when the cold floor hit my bare back.

I smiled a little when she sat beside me thinking she was going to give me belly rubs like Hazel did. She sighed when she saw my smile. "Oh puppy, you're too innocent for this world. I'm not going to play with you or pet you. I'm here to give you your punishment because someone has to discipline you. Understand?" I nodded. "I need verbal consent, Kace." I barked and licked her face. I was giving her permission and although I didn't want to be punished, I know I did something wrong and must learn from it.

"Okay. Do you have a safeword, pup?" I nodded. "What is it?" I frowned because I didn't like talking when I was in my puppy headspace. Sometimes speaking took me out of headspace and I didnt want that to happen. I was having a good time with Ria.

"Its 'bones'."

"Bones? Quite fitting I'd say." She placed her hands in my thighs. "Don't worry pup, we've just met today so I won't do anything radical to you. Just punish you enough to understand that what you did was wrong. You won't be needing your safeword today but I still want you to have in mind that you can stop me if you feel uncomfortable. Understood?"

I remembered to answer with a bark and she smiled. "Good." She moved until she was sitting on the floor but in between my legs. "You've given me your consent to punish you and nothing else. I'm going to respect that. So with that said, let me tell you why exactly it is that you're being punished." She said. Her hands came close to my hips. She touched my belt and began undoing it. Once she had it in her arms she threw it across the room and then fumbled with the button and zipper of my pants. "Today you're being punished for two things. First, you bolted out of the room without my permission. I get that you might not be trained, but you still can't do that because you put yourself in danger." She went lower to my feet and removed each shoe, then each sock. "The other reason is that you tackled me aggressively. You've done that twice today, when I was petting you and when I was scolding you. You are never to tackle someone, pup. I don't care if it is in a playful manner or out of anger. You're a large puppy and people can get hurt by your strength. My back still hurts from when you tackled me out there." She came back up and in one swift movement stripped me off my pants, leaving me only in my black boxers and collar with Ria on top of me.

"Now do you understand why I need to punish you?"

I barked. I understood. I was ready to take my punishment. I hoped Ria didn't go too harsh on me, though she promised she wouldn't

.Ria stood and I followed her to my personal bathroom. She motioned for my tub and told me to get in. She left me there for a minute and I patiently waited until she returned with a black flat lead leash. I didn't question it.

She hooked it to my collar and tied the other end around the tub's faucet. She then took the detachable shower head and pointed it at me. Before I could react, an ice-cold force was pushing me onto the wall, soaking me from head to toe.

I barked and looked at Ria. She was smiling. " Isn't the cold, pup? I bet you're regretting misbehaving!"

I barked and tried getting out of the tub but the leash kept me in place. No matter how hard I pulled, there was no way to escape the frozen hell.

I started to cry with whines and gave Ria my most pleading puppy-dog eyes. They didn't seem to work for her.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally turned it off. She grabbed one of the dry towels and wrapped it around me. I stopped shivering and sighed in contentment when she hugged me close.

"Good boy" she whispered. "That's a good boy."


Today is my BB's birthday! She's amazing and nice and her mind works wonders, I don't know how she keeps up with so many stories at once. It might be her birthday today, but she's still a baby to me. 

Happy Birthday @AgeregressionKitten

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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