Self worth⚪️

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AU: none
Despair au or non despair au: non despair
Right off the bat with the angst
Abuse tw

Souda pov

I walked out of the house, or well ran. I could hear my dad calling my name but I just ran faster. I couldn't be with him much longer. I ran all the way to hopes peak and stopped at the gate.

I sat down to try and catch my breath before starting to walk into the building. I rolled the sleeves up on blue my track suit and walked inside.

"Hey, Kaz!" I heard Ibukis peppy voice call. I smiled and waited for my friend. She ran up to me and looked at me.

"Why are you sweaty and out of breath?" She asked

"I ran to school" I laughed

"Why? We're early and we only have to practice our ultimates, we don't have a strict time to be here." She explained

"I-I know." I said. Ibuki looked at me confused but just shrugged. We walked to our class and sat down.

"Ms. Yukizome isn't even here yet. You didn't have to run" ibuki laughed. I nodded and started to tap my fingers on the desk. Ibuki pulled the baseball cap off my head and put it on her own.

"You little-" I chased her around the room, trying to get my hat back.

I eventually got it and I laughed and put my hat back on my head. Ibuki laughed and sat in her desk. I sighed and sat in mine as students started to fill the room.

Miss Sonia walked in, Gundham close behind her. A small smile spread across my face.

"Hello, Souda." Miss Sonia smiled. I waved at her as she sat next to me and Gundham sat on the other side of her.

"Hello mortal." Gundham sighed. I smiled at Gundham and then looked at my desk. I know I should like Miss Sonia but....Gundham makes it so easy for me to be in love with him.

I looked back at the door and saw luck boy talking with someone. Probably that Hinata kid from the reserves course. Komaeda walked in and sat at his desk. I looked back at Gundham to find he was writing something.

"Ooo what's that?" Ibuki asked, suddenly right next to Gundham and reaching for the paper.

"Y-you fiend! It's none of your concern!" Gundham pulled the paper away, in turn letting me read some of it

"To the shark toothed mortal
From Tanaka the forbidden one
I know we don't talk much and when we do we aren't exactly the kindest. B-"

That's all I got to read before Gundham stood up and walked away with the paper.

Why was he writing me a note?

I guess we'll never know. Time to pretend to be in love with Miss Sonia.

"So, Souda, how are you?" Sonia asked

"Good! And how about you Miss Sonia?" I asked, I mean I was genuinely curious. We were friends after all.

"I'm wondrous!" She smiled back.

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