Belle of the Ball (Chapter 12)

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Janessa's POV

After about twenty minutes of driving, we finally arrived to the large venue. It was a huge mansion with three large fountains and a spacious garden full of flowers in the front yard. As we made our way further up into the driveway ,my eyes made their way to the beautiful white roses. They are my favourite flowers.

Lorènzo caught me looking at the flowers and smiled. " Do you like flowers?" He asked. "Yes , they're very pretty.I replied. He laughed and said " I have a garden at home, you should come see it when you have time." I looked at him then nodded my head.

He parked the car in the crowded parking lot, full of expensive looking cars .I looked around at the hundreds , maybe thousands of people standing around.The men were all in designer suits and the women were in shiny, fancy dresses.There was a crowd of people in front of the building,all had big cameras. They flashed as they took pictures of the guest. I didn't know paparazzi would be here .I immediately felt out of place looking at all the wealthy people. Lorènzo sensed my discomfort and reached over and squeezed my hand reassuringly. I smiled at him as he let go of my hand and stepped out of the car.

He walked around to the other side of the car as I was grabbing my purse and jacket. I put my small silver and red clutch into my lap and put my arms through my jacket . I could feel the chilly air when he was opening his side of the car. It was now the third week of November and it was now really cold in New York.

He reached around to my side and opened the door . You could hear both the paparazzi and the guest shouting his name. I knew he was famous, but I never imagined that his fame was to this extent. I remembered seeing him on Vogue magazine and on a few television shows, but, I was still surprised at the amount of people screaming his name. He mentioned before that he was a part time model but I didn't know he was this big of a deal.

He reached out his hand towards me and I took it stepping out of the car with my purse in my other hand. I made sure to exit carefully because the slits on my dress were really high.

We walked towards the large brown double doors, on the fancy red carpet. It was my first time attending such an elegant and formal event. As we walked forward the lights of the camera flashes almost blinded our eyes.

We could hear the paparazzi shouting " Lorènzo , is that your new girlfriend." "Where is she from ?" "Is she just a fling ."

I scrunched up my face at at these questions , that's just plain disrespectful. There asking the questions like I'm not right there. Lorènzo ignored them and walked along. This was a long carpet, it felt like we've been walking for hours. We finally reached the door and entered.

Bèn and Loren walked in closely behind us.The interior of this building is gorgeous. It was decorated with black , gold and blue.

We walked towards the bar and I ordered a glass of martini, Rènzo ordered a glass of beer and so did Bèn. Loren took some champagne and we all took sips of our drinks as we talked about random things.

They would be auctioning various items today such as jewelry, paintings, cruises and spa days. All the funds raised would go to The Black Lives Matter Foundation and The St.Junes Children Hospital. We talked for a while and ordered different drinks , waiting for the auction to start. I ate some of the shrimp that the servers were serving. It was delicious.

After a few minutes it was announced on the microphone that dinner was going to be served in a few minutes. The servers had previously taken our order so we just made our way to our assigned table. The table had about five other people and we greeted them as we sat down. I was in the middle of Rènzo and a beautiful caramel complexion young woman. She was on my left and Lorènzo was on my right .I smiled at her and she did the same.

I decided to talk to the girl in the time that I would be waiting for my food. I turned towards her and looked her over. She was wearing a black dress that hugged her body along with silver accessories . She was very pretty. She was staring lovingly at a man in the opposite direction. They blowed kisses to each other and I smiled at that gesture.

Deciding that I was being too nosey , I turned around to look at Lorènzo. He looked back at me and reached for my hand under the table . He smiled at me and went back to talking to the other men at the table.

I wondered why he was still holding my hand, maybe it was just a friendly gesture.

After a while I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the woman, she looked at me and said a soft " Hi." I smiled at her and replied saying " Hey girl."

She told me that her name was Sanai and that she was married to the man she was waving to. They owned a small doctor's office on the opposite side of the city.

We talked for a bit and exchanged numbers. She was really nice and I could tell that we would be great friends in the future.

Dinner was finally served and my mouth watered at the steaming hot food being placed In front of me. I ordered the fully cooked steak with cheesy mashed potatoes and curried shrimp. The food was delectable, I enjoyed every bite. After eating it was time for the auction.

A crowd formed In front of the stage as the presenter named the things that were going to be auctioned. He did a short speech about the cause that the money would be going to, then started the auction. Lorènzo bought an evening on a cruise ship, some necklaces and bracelets and a beautiful abstract painting.

He told me that he had his own yacht but he wanted to put money toward the foundations. After all the items were all brought we went back to the bar. I sipped some of champagne as I talked to Rènzo. He asked me for a dance and I accepted.

We walked to the dance floor just as a slow song began to play. He held onto my waist and I attempted to put my arms around his neck. I was too short to do that , even in heels. He chuckled at me and I frowned. He slightly leaned over so I could reach his neck and I wrapped my arms around it.

We danced slowly to the song as we stared into each other's eyes . He smiled at me and whispered " You're The Belle Of The Ball. " I smiled at him and as we continued to swayed to the beautiful sound of the instruments.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Loren and Ben dancing, they looked so in love. I wondered what that was like.

We danced until our feet got tired and then we went back to the table. We talked until we were both exhausted and ready to go home. We left the ball at about one in the morning and he took me home. I enjoyed my Day with Lorènzo. It was really fun.

Brief Author's Note : Did you enjoy this chapter, if you did please like, comment and follow me. I update very often and I really appreciate all my readers.Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my book. I hope you are staying safe and taking care of yourself and your family. Until next time. - Love, JadaTai

This chapter had been written since September, but it was in my drafts, and I decided to post it now.

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