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[Opening Operator file]
[Basic Operator Info]
[Code Name] Enterprise
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 4 Years
[Place of Birth] Unknown
[Date of Birth] Unknown
[Race] Unknown but has the features of a Vulpo but states she is not one (She's a T-doll or Tactical Doll)
[Height] 163cm (That's how they measure the heights of the operators in the game in cm)
[Infection Status] Non-infected as confirmed by medical report
[Operator Physical Exam]
[Physical Strength] Excellent
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Excellent
[Tactical Acumen] Outstanding
[Combat Skill] Outstanding
[Originium Arts Assimilation] Below average
[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
[Blood Originium-crystal density] 0.00 u/L
Additional note from head of Rhodes Island Medical Department, Dr Kal'tsit- It seems that Operator Enterprise is unable to get infected with Oripathy and every time we've tried to preform medical scans our scanners malfunction and when we questioned her she simply stated that she couldn't tell us why our scanners were malfunctioning when we try to scan her, I'd advice keeping an eye on her.

[Additional Info]

[Appearance] Enterprise has white hair with red and blue streaks that went down to her upper back, wearing UCP combat pants with knee pads, a dark grey shirt with a black jacket over it , she has large 'assest', she always wore a dirty blue bandana over her mouth and nose, She has a pair of black Vulpos Ears with abit of red at the tips of the ears and the same goes with her tail, and she always has a picture of her with a group of 3 females and 2 males all smiling and laughing with Enterprise at the front of the group smiling
[Personality] Enterprise is at first cold, determined, intelligent and terrifying, but once she opens up she's caring, determined, funny, Motherly and sometimes emotional.
[Class] Sniper, Defender, Guard, and Specialist (But it depends on the mission)
[Affiliation before joining Rhodes Island] Enterprise has stated she was apart of the Lungmen Guard Department before joining Rhodes Island.
[Additional Info] Enterprise is usually armed with a HK 416, a Carl-Gustav M4 rocket launcher (she uses it for her special ability) a katana, and a riot shield. Also she's T-Doll or Tactical Doll that was meant to assist a unnamed PMC in fighting a unknown threat but was deactivated when the catastrophes first started and was found by a team from Lungmen and she joined the Lungmen Guard Department and became one of their best officers due to her being able to preform any task given to her as long as it didn't involve being a caster but no one else knew that Enterprise was a robotic besides Ch'en, Wei Yenwu (The leader of Lungmen), and select few in the Lungmen Guard Department due to obvious reasons and she's known to Reunion as 'Sangvis' which Enterprise doesn't like being called for reasons unknown, Enterprise preforms maintenance on herself when she's in her dorm

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