Chapter Two: Hiding

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"Older citizens will come," Yoman said, and he searched in his ship for a weapon, he came out with a purple light saber thing. "Purple is our color," he said, "Everyone is born with either purple hair or blue hair, like you earthlings with normal brown hair and yellow hair," He made a shape in the air with the light saber. "This for you, older citizens will come and you protect you self," Yoman walked inside and he gave me the light saber, he changed clothes right in front of me. "W-what are you doing!? S-stop! Didn't your 'older citizens' tell you not to change in public!?" His body was tan underneath and he had some sort of strange underwear on, "Change in the closet!" I said. Yoman stared at me. "It a tradition on our planet to change in the room the girl is in if she is not related to you," He put on his pants, "Anyway, I not like small spaces,". I turned away. "Turning away is sign of no respect for person who is changing," He said, as if mocking me. "Okay, okay, gosh!" I got on my computer and I continued to watch funny videos. I watched some vines and some fail videos. I had a huge secret that no one knew except for my sister, who is now in Texas, I wanted to be a nurse. I hated guts, so a minor job like a nurse was great. I secretly liked to take care of people, but at my school I was known as "The Girl Who Does Not Care". I was always stubborn and stuff, but it was because I hated idiots, babies and toddlers are exceptions but middle schoolers, gosh! Maybe Yoman will be the first person I will take care of...

I was eating some Mac and Cheese when I heard my parents open the garage, and my babysitter had not come back, she was totally busted this time, and then I realized that Yoman was in my room! I hurried to my room. "My parents are here!" I whispered to him, "Hide in the closet!" Yoman hid in the closet reluctantly. My parents barely visited my room, and when they did, it was either because I was in trouble or we were going somewhere. I made sure I did the dishes, too. I ran to the front door and my parents opened the door and I welcomed them. "Nanika, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow to Tokyo," My dad said. My mom was Japanese but my dad was a normal white American. I loved Japan more than America, too, I mean America is okay, but I favor Japan a bit more. "But I promise you I will get some souvenirs for you," He said. Every time my dad went to Japan, he always got me some cool souvenirs. "Hey, where's the babysitter?" My mom said. I told her about how the babysitter, Jhoneka, always ditched me, she managed to come back in time, so I was alone most of the time. "Crap, crap, crap!" Jhoneka ran inside, "I was just getting...uh...stuff!" My mom was not convinced at all. She slapped Jhoneka in the face and told her to never come back. Jhoneka was disappointed and she left. "Now we have to find a new babysitter..." My dad frowned. "I can take care of myself. Every time she ditched me and came back, I locked all the doors, did the dishes, and you came back happy. I can clearly take care of myself," I said. "No, you can't!" My mom protested, but my dad put his hand on her shoulder, "She was able to pull through. It was like that lousy babysitter was there the whole time," He went into the family room and sat down. My mom nodded at me and kissed my cheek, and then she went to the kitchen and started to cook. I went into the hallway and went to my room. My room was really far away from where my parents were, so if Yoman decided to shout, my parents would only hear a whisper. I opened the closet door and Yoman came out, sweating neon blue liquid. "Ugh, why you leave me there for so long!?" He coughed a bit. I could not blame him, small spaces are scary, but my closet was pretty big, and it barely had any clothes, only unused dresses. "Sorry," Yoman said, "I not like spaces like that, especially being left alone in there!" I patted his back and he sat on my bed. The sun was starting to go down, too.

Roses Are Red But Violets Are PurpleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora