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"Its ether give up the information you know or get blasted which one you want?" I spit at The scrawny white boy as I aimed at his head.

Ethan Rogers, a Ex-felon now a hacker for the CIA. Only 21, no girlfriend, He ran away from home when he was about 15 and had never been back since. His father was alcoholic and abusive, and his mother was strung out on meth. He was a self-taught hacker and a damn good one but not better then any of my guys. And obviously not good enough to the point where he couldn't get since the only reason he was apart of the CIA was because he was car trying to hack into their system, he went to prison until they realized they could use the young boy to their advantage.

"You really think you can get away with this? I'm apart of the CIA dumbass their going to look for you and throw you in Prison to rot!" He yelled slamming his hands on his Computer desk.

It was sad that he really thought he was important to the CIA, he was just a puppet, someone to control, someone to get Information they need but don't feel like looking for themselves. Their was Thousands of illegal hackers in the USA that they could get that were just as good as him maybe even better. But they knew little Ethan here was a scary ass boy that would keep his mouth shut if that meant it would keep him from getting hurt or killed.

He was in the wrong game if he thought he could make it out without getting touched at least once.

"It's fucking hilarious that you think those motherfuckas care about you, I could simply make it look like a suicide Ethan, I mean look at your life? Abusive father, strung out mother and it doesn't help that you been suicidal since you were 13." I smirked evilly. Ethans face saddened, his feeling hurt clearly.

"How do you know that?" He asked, looking at me through his eyelashes, his eyes glossy.

"Your not the only one that can get information on someone." I cocked my gun, looking over at ace who has been quietly watching it all go down. He was my backup in case he tried something. "I'll rather die then do what some random ni-" before he could finish I lost my temper and pulled the trigger making his blood splash all over his walls, desk and Computer screen. Fast and simple.

The rush of Adrenaline had me on a high that I loved. A high that no amount of weed or drug could bring.

I could hear my own breathing And my hearting beating rapidly in my ears.

"Nigga snap outta it and bring your crazy ass on!" Ace screamed shoving me in the arm, I jumped back into reality. I grabbed my bag and wiped my gun clean of my finger prints and position his hand to hold it and pointed at his head.



I squatted down to his computer and grabbed his memory card, scanned it to my laptop and made my way out of his door.

"You wasn't supposed to shoot yet! What was the fucking plan? Huh? You never stick to the plan!" Ace yelled slamming the door to the apartment and locking it.


"Shut up mothafucka I made the plan fuck is you tripping for? This is some CIA hecker nobody gives a fuck relax..." I spit as we both jumped in the car, my body jerked forward as von sped off. Ace sat quietly as he shook his head, he always acts like I don't know what I'm doing. I know exactly what I am doing I may let my temper get the best of me sometimes but I'm still in control.

I know what I'm doing.

I sat back and prepared myself for the next step of the mission- get my money. This was the easiest part but sometime people liked to play with me about my money. Which never ended good on their part. It's almost like people don't know who I am and what I'm capable of. It's fucking hilarious.

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