Chapter 4

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Otis dropped the joint in the ashtray and gripped the back of my neck. I yanked his beard to bring his face closer to mine. Growling lowly, he bared his teeth.

"Amin naa tualle," I breathed against his lips.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Otis murmured, his scorching blue eyes searching my soul.

"I am yer servant in Elvish."

"Not even gonna ask how ya learned that cuz I already know. I've seen yer Tolkien book collection."

Smiling, I rubbed the tip of my nose against his. "Yeah, that's me; trash fer Tolkien."

Otis brushed his lips over mine. "Yer a book nerd, period. I like that about you."

"Mmm, hmm. You like ta read, too."

"I do." Otis grinned devilishly. "You sure yer up fer the challenge o' bein' my servant?" He shook his head. "I don't think you are. T'night, I'll be yer servant. Not in the sense that ya git ta tell me what ta do. You'll never git ta order me around, but I'll fuck ya real good; just the way ya like it."

I smiled coyly. "What if I wanna be on top?"

He chuckled. "Mama, you can have whatever ya want. You wanna ride my cock, fine. You wanna be kissed, I'll do it. You want me ta dine on yer delicious pussy, I will. You want me ta fuck ya nice and slow and deep, I'll make it happen. You want me ta fuck yer brains out, you got it. You want passion, you can have it. I'll give ya whatever the fuck ya want. Tell me what ya want, and it's game on."

"What if I wanna blow ya?"

"Like I said, whatever the fuck ya want. Although..." He raised an eyebrow. "...that does sound pretty Goddamn good."

"I just want you. I want all o' you. I want yer heart, Otis; yer mind, yer soul," I said in a small voice.

"You have 'em. Ya've always had 'em," he pledged. "I told ya I loved ya. That includes all those things."

"Let's git serious fer a second." Releasing my hold on his beard, I backed away slightly and swept his hair over his shoulder.

Otis relocated his hand from my neck to my thigh and tilted his head to the side. A strand of hair fell over his face. I delicately tucked it behind his ear.

"I thought we already were bein' serious. Can't git much more serious than me sayin' I love ya."

"This is a lil different."

He nodded. "Alright. What's on yer mind?"

"This kinda shit ain't you. Love includes happiness, which you live ta shatter. Didn't ya once say yer Satan's Destroyer?"

"I am Satan's Destroyer! I am the eternal flame o' salvation burnin' through yer life, yer liberty, and yer pursuit o' fuckin' happiness!" Otis claimed, his eyes igniting with more hellfire than I had ever seen. He sighed, the glow in his eyes receding. "Look. I might've been born ta do the Devil's work, but I ain't a demon. At least, not yet I ain't. As a human being, I'm capable o' love."

"Well..." I clicked my tongue. "I can't argue with that. That's a good point."

"But yer right; this kinda shit ain't me. However..." He held up his index finger. "...we're talkin' 'bout me..." He tapped his chest, then mine. "...and you. Not the rest o' this fucked up world, which needs ta be annihilated by my hand. I suggest those motherfuckers git ready ta burn."

I grunted.

"Selene, as I said earlier..." Otis's fingertip grazed the tip of my nose. " taught me what love is. You make me happy. I wanna make you happy, too. I wanna give you what that motherfucker couldn't. I wanna give you what ya deserve, what ya need. I know how ta do that. I did it in the past, I can do it again, but this time I ain't gotta hold back. Do ya have any idea how much tension that's gonna relieve fer me? I been holdin' this shit in fer years."

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