Free Bird

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June 1, 1976

"Are you fucking serious!? You're transferring me!?" Flip shouts as he barges into Chief Bridges' office.

Moments before, Flip had arrived to a manila folder sitting on his desk with the transfer orders inside. He was livid.

Chief Bridges suddenly looks up from his paperwork, "Zimmerman, I'm in the middle of—"

"Yes I know, but why the fuck am I being transferred!?" Flip shouts, his tone demanding.

He leans on the desk in front of him, pushing his palms down hard, staring the Chief squarely in the eyes. Bridges was unfazed and unimpressed by this grandeur approach to question his authority, and Flip knew it by the glare he was getting.

"OK, Zimmerman... I'm going to ignore the fact that you're being extremely disrespectful to me right now and allow this dramatic interruption of my work." Bridges explains coolly.

Flip stares at him in angry disbelief, his jaw clenching and lips twisting.

He takes a deep breath, "Chief, I want to know why." he says as calmly as he can manage.

Bridges drops his pen and stands, walking to shut his office door, turning back to Flip as he returns to his desk.

"Sit down, son." he tells him.

"I'd rather stand, thanks." Flip replies, still hot.

Bridges chuckles as he takes his seat, taking his time putting away his paperwork. He lets out a sigh as he weaves his fingers together in front of him, settling his elbows on his desk.

"Alright, look. The work you've been doing in our Intelligence Division has been catching some attention..." he started, pausing to gauge Flip's reaction.

Flip couldn't hide the obvious disdain written all over his face.

Bridges continued, "With that, I was contacted by the Chief of Police for the LAPD. They want your help." he explained.

Flip raised his eyebrows at that, the burning sensation in his ears suddenly fading.

"They requested you be transferred ASAP. They have a case they're working on that requires a special team. I wasn't told much, but I know it's right up your alley." Bridges finishes, daring a smirk.

Flip was silent for a moment, allowing himself to completely cool down before he spoke.

He'd been with the Colorado Springs Police Department since he had graduated the Academy. The thought of suddenly being uprooted from this place almost seemed cruel. But for now, Flip had to concentrate on the matter at hand; something the chief said made him curious.

"OK, so... what's this special team they're putting together?" he asked, finally taking a seat.

Bridges relaxed as he saw his detective finally easing his attitude.

"All I was told is that you'd be debriefed upon arrival in Los Angeles. Whatever it is, it's knowledge even I'm not privy to." Bridges explained, looking as perplexed as Flip.

"Why do they want me?" he asked, still not able to wrap his brain around the concept of leaving.

"Look son, I didn't want to transfer you. You're one of my best. But that's why they need you. And hey, look at it this way; it's sunny California, where the women are as hot as the weather and... you'll be getting one hell of a pay raise to go with it. Not a bad trade, if you ask me." he explained, picking up his pen again.

He twirled it in his fingers, watching Flip take in the news. He was staring at his shoes, everything soaking in slowly. He felt like he was being ripped away from a security blanket.

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