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Hello again my friends are whatever you wanna call yourself and welcome back-

Why did I sound like I was in a YouTube video? -


Anyways, I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't something you expected.. (Cough* Art related shit *Cough)

But I am going to attend school tomorrow and I'm currently getting ready for that.

I might post my art and doodles at a later date since I gotta take pics of them and stuff.

Anyways let's get onto the tags!


Who tagged me?
My senpai and friend OwO


What's your Sexuality?
I'm Bisexual but I'm also questioning myself so yeah.
I do respect the lgbt+ community since I just do-

What's your gender?
Female, You can call me by those pronouns.

Last song listened to?
Alone by Nico Collins
I love a lot of his songs!

Are you happy?
Yeah! I can pretty much be happy no matter the cause unfortunately (or fortunately?) I don't really show much negativity unless it's severe.

I sound like a fictional character right there-

Hair colour?
Black! It's recently dyed dark brown on the bottom half since school didn't allow unnatural hair dyes.

I dyed half of my hair a mixture of blue and green. They looked like a galaxy mash up when it was finished.

Zodiac Sign?
Capricorn! I might be secretly a Sagittarius or a Cancer though.
Of course I still relate to being a Capricorn and I'm pretty much a little egoistic when it comes to my zodiac-

Last person you kissed?
Myself? Does that count?
OK, I needed someone to love me so I kissed myself 😔 ik hopeless amirite?

Jk, it would be my brother on the cheek. Cuz I was tryna annoy him (Puhuhuhuh-)

Favourite Colour?
Right now it's Yellow and Blue.
Just like Sukaira, you know how her hair is a dark shade of blue and her eyes are a pale shade of yellow? Yeah.

In second place it prolly be Black and White (Kokichi scarf ohh-)

And third would be Red and sap green. I love these combinations. Don't you?

Favourite Food?
Adobo. Chicken nuggets. Sinigang.
Any filipino dish I'm down for that!
But I do like Takoyaki too.
I don't have any preference when it comes to food but I do get quite picky when it comes to vegetables.

Ik it sounds bad but I just find them tasteless.

My appeal is Appearance, Smell, Texture and Taste.

My only fav vegetable are the spinach ones I think.

Battery %?

Celebrity Crush?
I don't have any anymore but my last one was Daniel Padilla.

His smile is super dorky.

Favourite Vegetable?
Like stated before. Spinach!

Shoe size?
UK standards. 3.
Idk anything else.

Dream Job?
First option is to be an It analyst, you know where you can code shit and fix stuff by just one click? Yeah.

Kinda like my dad-

Second is a YouTuber!

Third is an Animator/Artist

Fourth is a Voice Actor!

Fifth is a business person I guess.

So yeah.

Tag 20 ppl:
Frick me-

And ect. Cuz I'm lazy.

You guys can decide whether you wanna do this or not.

Personally I find them fun but annoying cuz it's spamming said book-

But I'm fine here I guess.


SWDM out~


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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