Blind Date #15 with Pantala

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Luna: We are back again!

Blue: Do I know you?

Luna: My dear dragon. Everybody knows me.

Cricket: Like me! Me me me me me me me MEEEEE.

Luna: Spectacular singing.

Cricket: Awww thanks!

Bumblebee: Bumpbump swings too. BebebebebebebeBuufffff.

Blue: I hate opera singing.

Luna: Looks like you are going to be stuck with two dragons who love it.

Cricket: Opera is amazing.

Luna: We have another one from DolphinDay!

Blue:..... whee?

Luna: Your date will be this HiveWing named Cricket!

Blue: I know her! 😮

Cricket: I know her too! 

Bumblebee: Bemish.

Luna: What a small world this is right?

Cricket: Actually according to the books, the world is huge.

Blue: I never knew that.

Luna: Let the show begin!

Blue: My half sister's name is Luna.

Cricket: Fascinating.

Blue: I know right?

Cricket: IKR? 

Blue: What does that stand for?

Cricket: I. Know. Right.?

Blue: You could have just said, 'I know Right?'.

Cricket: Too organic.

Blue: I like organic fresh foods. 

Cricket: Me too!

Bumblebee: Me Mish! 

Cricket: *Starts yammering about how carrots help your eyes*

Two thousand years later.....

Cricket: And that is why a carrot heals eye sight.

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