Chapter XI

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As Damian slowly woke up from his slumber, he noticed the cat was still there. It was still sleeping peacefully, purring softly, stomach rising and falling slowly and calmly. Damian smiled to himself. Whether this car was a stray or not, it was adorable.

Damian slowly got up, trying not to wake up the small creature, but still the cat woke up with a yawn. Damian chuckled.

"Good morning lil' fellow." He said, and started to pet the cats head. He wasn't sure if it was male or female, so for now, he'll call it a they/them. He was thinking he could skip school today and take the cat to a vet and check to see if the cat has a chip.

If the cat has an owner, the vet will contact them. If not, Damian will try to look after them. And ask for what gender they are.

As he continued to stroke the cats head, he glanced at his wall, remembering the bloodstain that was still there from nights before. He had never gotten a chance to clean it, and yet his father never cared, or as much as looked at it.

He would've said that his father didn't care, but it was probably because his father had witnessed blood so many times, whether his or not.

He slowly got up, the cat protesting against it. "Sorry, gotta clean the blood up." He said softly, giving the cat a nice head pat before heading off to the kitchen to get a small hand towel to wipe off the blood.

As doing so the cat followed him, looking at everything along the way, scared of the smallest sound. He got the towel and headed back to his room to clean it off.

While he started cleaning the stain, the cat started rubbing against his leg, purring softly. Damian sighed, he was totally missing school today. It was Thursday, and he had to get the bloodstain gone before Tim gets here with most likely his older brothers.

After 13 minutes, the stain was fully gone, with time to possibly get ready. But the cat..

Damian sighed, and glanced at the clock. He is definitely late. He looked at the cat and sighed.

"I would leave you here, but you need to eat something while I'm gone.." he murmured. "Cats can eat chicken right?" He questioned, though it came out as a statement. He looked at the small mostly-black furred creature.

He headed to the kitchen, throwing the now bloody towel in the laundry.

He opened the fridge door, and got out some pre-cooked chicken. He heated it up in the microwave, getting a small bowl ready. He didn't have a bowl for a pet, so he's using a normal one.

While waiting for the chicken to heat up, he got another bowl and poured some water in it. He set the bowl of water down, and then afterwords he set the chicken down as well.

As the cat began to eat, Damian went to quickly dress. He put on a long sleeved red shirt, and a pair of ripped jeans. He took his bag, and headed out to school.

"See'ya kit." He said, closing the door behind him and ran to the subway.

Tim say nervously in second period. He had been on his laptop, checking each second to see if Damian is here or not. Damian was usually there by the time Tim made it to class, but today wasn't like that.

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