Chapter 2

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"It's been awhile since I came here." She said sighing while walking to the office for her schedule pickup.

"Hello, can I get my schedule here?" She asked the teacher in front of her.

"You must be the Headmaster's daughter!" The teacher turned around and said to Mijoo.

"Yes and may I request you and the staff not call me 'the Headmaster's daughter'?" She requested to the teacher.

"What shall I call you?" The teacher asked her.

"Mijoo, Lee Mijoo." She said sighing to the teacher.

"Yes, Mijoo. Follow me to your classroom." The teacher said walking out of the office and into the hallways.

"Quiet down, class! We have a new student." The teacher said slamming her books to the stand.

"Hello, my name is Lee Mijoo. Treat me well and take care of me." She said trying to show off her cute side.

"She's the Headmaster's daughter!" Mijoo heard little whispers about her being the headmaster's daughter.

"Yes, I am the Headmaster's daughter." She said staring at the girls.

"Take a seat in front of Mark Tuan." The teacher said pointing in front of boy sleeping.

I bowed down to the teacher in respect and walked towards the sleeping boy, Mark.


"Mijoo! You never told me that you were coming back!" Her friend Wendy told her running towards her.

"You never told me that you and Nam Taehyun were dating!" I said hitting her shoulder.

"TAEHYUN!" She said running towards him.

"Why, what's wrong?" He asked her looking at eyes.

"Mijoo hit me!" She said pouting and pointing at Mijoo.

"Where did it hurt?" He asked her.

"My shoulder~" She rubbing her shoulder.

"Ya, Mijoo, how were you?" He asked her leaving Wendy alone.
Wendy walked towards him and linked arms with him.

"Good, who else is dating at this school?" She said while the freshman's Joy and Yugyeom were walking in the cafeteria messing around as usual.

"Irene-noona and Mino." Taehyun told Mijoo.

"Ya, you two come here." She said using the gesture to come here. The two basically ran towards her.

"Welcome back unnie!" Joy said joyously.

"Where Irene-unnie and Mino at tho?" Mijoo asked the others.

"Probably fighting again." Yugyeom said while copying off of Joy's homework.

"Fighting? Again?" She said in confusion.

"Well, Mino was being stupid and decided to ask her out lamely on a bet and Irene hated that." Wendy said explaining the situation. After Wendy was done explaining the situation, Irene and Mino came into the room fighting as usual.

"Why were you there anyways?" Irene yelled at him.

"Because I can!" Mino yelled back. Irene hit his shoulder. Mino rubbed his shoulder, but then Irene bumped her head into something and fell back.

"You okay?" Mino said picking her up.

"I'm okay, we should quit fighting often." Irene suggested.

"You two should quit fighting all the time!" Mijoo said butting into their conversation.

"YOU ARE BACK!" Irene said running her arms.

"Well, I'm right infront of you." Mijoo hugging her back. Everyone say together talking about what's it is like in America and how everyone been, but a boy walked in, a handsome boy.


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