Mary Watson: Part 2

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The cab continued its journey, swinging back and forth between and around the carts, wagons, people, and cabs all attempting to get somewhere else.  Suddenly, Watson remembered that he had a request to make of Holmes; the abrupt change of plans for his day threw him off stride and the subject had been forgotten.

"Holmes, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Certainly Watson, I am at your disposal."

"You see, Mary's birthday is approaching, and, frankly I could use some assistance..."

The cab stopped suddenly, interrupting Watson's statement, and the two men exited and found themselves outside a two-story block of flats with a constable on either side of the front door.

"Constable, I am here for Inspector Gregson," stated Holmes.

"Is he expecting you Sir?" replied the young policeman.

"Yes, he most certainly is."

The older constable asked Holmes and Watson to remain with him, and he nodded to his younger partner, who disappeared into the building. A moment later, Gregson came out of the building with the young constable in tow.

"Ah, Mr. Holmes, so good of you to hurry, if you please, follow me inside."

The threesome went up two flights of stairs, entered a modest flat, and stopped short in the front parlor. The body of a woman lay naked on the floor.

"This is the first one, Mr. Holmes."

Holmes simply nodded and started to walk around the room very slowly, carefully looking over the scene and the body.

"Watson, the victim," requested Holmes, as he continued to scan the overall scene.  Taking his cue, the Doctor knelt down on the floor and began to examine the woman's body.

"Holmes, dried blood here, behind the ear...a small puncture wound...possibly an ice pick"

"Or a needle" replied Holmes.

Watson nodded his agreement and continued his examination. Her limbs were still rigid, and the lower half of the body had collected blood as lividity had set in.

"Watson, what did you have in mind?"

The Doctor continued examining the woman as he replied: "in mind for what?"

"Mary's birthday of course, surely you have something in mind for a gift, or evening surprise...a social affair perhaps?"

"I am not entirely sure Holmes, that was why I wished your counsel, as I was mulling over a certain type of gift... oh, note the ligature marks around the woman's wrists."

"I saw them as well Doctor" chimed in Inspector Gregson.

"Inspector, I require a bit more light," said Doctor Watson, to which Gregson stepped out and called for a lantern.

"Watson, pray to examine the bottom of her feet... and your thoughts on a gift were?"

"Mud... there is some mud between her toes, and her feet are dirty - wait!  What's this?"  The Doctor took a small leather case, similar to a cigar case, out of his breast pocket, and removed a tweezer which he utilized to collect some tiny slivers from the bottom of the victim's foot.

"Its metal... looks like iron shavings," stated Watson as he held the small objects up into the light. 

"Oh, Holmes, I was thinking of getting Mary a dog," stated the Doctor as he placed the shavings into a small paper envelope.

"She has mentioned how much she likes dogs, and as a result, I have concluded that she has been dropping those statements as hints for my benefit."

Holmes lay on the floor and examined an area across from the victim, but offered Watson an opinion.  "A Mastiff, or a Bull Terrier perhaps. A practical man such as yourself must see a canine companion as being able to fulfill the role of protector and guardian."

"I think not Holmes, as those are fairly large, robust breeds and I daresay we don't have the room for such a large animal. Besides, I believe that Mary wants more of a companion than a guardian."

"Gregson, take us to the next victim," stated Holmes and he stood up and brushed himself off.

The Inspector led Holmes and Watson into another room where there was a man's body, again, naked and on the floor.

"Good Lord Holmes, look at the walls!" cried out Dr. Watson.

"I've never seen anything like it Mr. Holmes" interjected Gregson.

"Yes Inspector, it is rather unusual - Watson, perhaps a Collie. I have a man in Croydon who breeds Collies. His dogs are all top-notch, and she will be the envy of every shepherd in South England."

"I was thinking more along the lines of a Spaniel... ah look, Holmes, the color of this man's lips suggest a poison of some sort."

The Doctor continued his examination of the man's body as Holmes left the room to examine the roof. Perhaps ten minutes later they rejoined forces, and Holmes announced that they had another location to attend. Holmes asked Gregson to keep him informed and that he would send word if his additional inquiries bore fruit.


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