02: Fire

32 2 18

AN: Heyyo!

This story will probably have shorter chapters than what's normal for me. 

Read, vote, comment (please let me know if you like it!), and be safe!


When Seokjin's alarm clock went off half an hour after he crawled into bed, he briefly entertained the thought of just turning it off and burrowing under his sheets. His sense of responsibility was greater than what he deemed his selfishness, though, and, with a grunt, he slipped off his bed. Poking his feet into a pair of fuzzy house slippers, he shuffled from his bedroom and toward the kitchen.

Even though he wasn't the leader of the group, being the eldest held certain intrinsic responsibilities. One of those was to make sure his dongsaengs were fed. They didn't always have time during the day to break for lunch so he liked to ensure they had a nutritious breakfast to hold them as long as possible.

Western influence had brought such things to their country as designated "breakfast" foods that were fast and convenient. It would have been so easy to just toss boxes of cereal at the rest of them, but Seokjin wasn't going to take that easy out. Cereal usually came in two varieties: covered in sugar or barely edible cardboard. Neither of those had the staying power of a high protein slab of galbi and egg kimbap.

Plus, Tae and sugar were a bad combination.

'Kind of like Tae and Suga,' he mused to himself, giggling at his play on words.

Like the rest of their brotherhood, he couldn't figure them out. He had no issue with either of them being gay, but why they'd chosen each other was one of the great unsolved mysteries of the world. It was like they were poster children for the concept that opposites attract. About the only thing they had in common was playing Overwatch. And even then they disagreed on the best character.

Everything else was a fight.

Tae loved to go out for walks and dinner, take photographs, and visit museums. Yoongi was the epitome of 'home body,' never leaving the apartment unless he had to.

Tae would blast smooth jazz. Yoongi once commented that the sound of a soulful saxophone made him want to gouge his eyes out.

Tae liked artistic dramas and animated films. Yoongi liked violent action flicks.

Tae hated coffee. Yoongi couldn't start the day without his bitter Americano.

Tae was loud, Yoongi was quiet.

Shaking himself from his musings, Seokjin started gathering together everything he'd need to produce an actual breakfast for the group. Squinting in the brightness of the kitchen, he set a pan on the stove and lit the burner with mindless motions. While it heated, he scrambled a dozen eggs in a bowl, letting his mind wonder through their schedule for the day.

They had dance practice first thing, which would be fun given that only Jeongguk and Jimin hadn't woken up in the middle of the night. Jin wasn't sure if night terrors would leave Jimin exhausted, but they had to work with that new choreographer and the eldest was not looking forward to dealing with the outburst that was brewing under Jimin's surface.

After that, there was some time in the recording studio for their new single. Then Seokjin and Taehyung had a photo shoot for Rolex, Namjoon had an interview about the new solo album he'd just released, Jimin and Hoseok were teaching BTS choreographies to trainees, Jeongguk was in the gym, and Yoongi would probably be – ironically – hiding in the closet to avoid his own appointment with their personal trainers.

They'd all meet up around three to start shooting concept photos for next month's teaser for the new album. Those damn shoots took hours. Seokjin made a himself a mental note to bring extra eyedrops because he knew his eyes were going to dry out and get scratchy, and all the excess blinking would mean the shoot would take even longer since he'd have his eyes closed in half of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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