Chapter 1

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It was a sunny, and beautiful day in PonyVille, Twilight Sparkle took in a breath of the fresh air outside of her castle. She trotted onto a path, deciding to take a daily stroll. Her hair swayed lightly by a gentle breeze, her feathery wings being hit with the breeze. The purple mare smiled and greeted the ponies that walked around the town. She was happy that she took this break from reading, for once.

Twilight started trotting over to a shaded area in town, a little alleyway. For some reason, she felt as if something was.. wrong. She quickly shook this feeling away, and continued on her path. She glanced to the side, and then the other side. And then she heard a teleporting noise, she quickly snapped her gaze to who teleported here. She flinched as she saw Starlight just a few feet in front of her. She let out a breath of relief, it was just her student. "Starlight! You surprised me! It's nice to see you.." She spoke, quietly questioning why she came here at this time. "Hey, Twilight. Just thought I'd come to visit.. I was just wondering, when will our next lesson be?" She tilted her head slightly, as she questioned.

"Oh! Um, tomorrow, actually. Why do you ask?" She said, before asking, absentmindedly going deeper into the alley, with Starlight walking beside her. "I was asking, because, well, I forgot. I'm sorry for bothering you." She said, her ear flicking, as she picked up her pace. "It's okay!" Twilight soon responded, making her way to the end of the alley, it was a dead end. "Oh. How did I not notice this was clearly a dead end?" The purple mare huffed, starting to turn around. Starlight grinned, while her mentor turned, she blasted the back of her head with a blast of magic energy. Everything faded to black.

Twilight groaned as she slowly woke up, her eyes fluttered open. Her head hurt from where she was hit, she tried to crack her neck a bit, but, she couldn't move. She looked visibly confused, her blurry gaze started clearing. She was in a dark room, strapped to a.. wall? Her horn lit up, and eventually fizzled out, as she attempted open her restraints. "Huh..? My magic?" She murmured. "Who's behind this!" She spoke louder, basically demanding. Her gaze landing on the shadows.

What seemed to be Pinkie Pie, hopped out of the shadows first. There was a physical difference in her though.. Her mane was flat, like it deflated. Pinkie had a wide smile, soon speaking. "Good morning, sleepyhead! How was your nap?" She giggled, tilting her head in question. And then a horn lit up in the shadows, illuminating the face of another mare. It was her student, Starlight

"Pinkie, did you organize another surprise party?" Twilight said, with a slight smile, trying to ignore the odd surroundings. "Nope! You are going to help me make cupcakes! And call me Pinkamena." She grinned, shaking her head. "Starlight, do you wanna explain how you helped me?" She spoke happily, turning her gaze to the unicorn. "I casted a spell to disable your magic, you are completely helpless in this situation, my faithful teacher." She smirked, her intentions were not hidden well.

"That's great! Can you uhm... Set me free so I can make cupcakes with you- Wh-What do you mean, helpless?" She forced a grin before it faltered quickly at her students words. "I can't do that, silly! YOU are the main ingredient!" Pinkamena smiled, walking off to get her tools, and to let Starlight and Twilight talk.. "Me? You can't turn your friend into a cupcak- She's gone.." Twilight said, her ears pulling back. "Oh, Twilight, you remember when I was all alone in that library? I was studying up on how to make a very specific spell, just so you know." She grinned slyly, not giving out what the spell is.

Pinkamena came back in here with a cart, covered with a sheet. She grabbed the end of the sheet, and pulled it off of the cart. On the cart, there was a bunch of utensils and tools. She picked up a scalpel and walked up to Twilight. "This May hurt, just a little bit!" She said, looking to Twilight, she had a look of defeat and betrayal. "Why the long face?" She asked. "You.. Starlight.. WHY?" Twilight spoke out. "Well, your number came up. Soooo.. Me and my best friend started thinking on what to do!" Pinkamena said, glancing to Starlight, her horn was lit up, as she was reading a scroll, of some sort. "We're friends.. You wouldn't hurt your friend right?" Twilight said, struggling against the restraints, and sadly looking at Pinki- Pinkamena. "Like I said, your number came up! I didn't really choose." She shrugged, preparing to cut out her friends cutie mark. When she was cutting around the cutie mark on her left side, Twilight screamed in pain, her eyes welling up with tears.

The blood splattered on the ground and on Pinkamenas face, who's smile was wide after she heard the scream. The screams were like background noise to her, as she peeled off the cutie mark, putting it on a table. "P-Please.... Please stop... it hurts.." Twilight whimpered and mumbled, starting to fall out of consciousness. "Sorry! I can't do that!" She giggled, moving to the right side, the screams died out as Twilight passed out when her second cutie mark fell off.

Twilight woke up when she was injected with a needle, she whimpered in pain, it all still hurt. "P-Pinkie.. Let me go.. And I won't tell anyone.." She managed to speak, trying to negotiate. "Mmm, Nope! Can't risk anything! Maybe.. Hmm.." Pinkamena started to enter thought, while she trotted over to Starlight, they both share whispers to eachother. They both nodded in agreement, the pink mare came back over. She didn't comment, lifting up a bigger blade, and started opening up the middle of Twilight's Abdomen. The purple mare screamed in pain once more, passing out.

Twilight then woke up again, she felt weird. She rapidly glanced around, she soon noticed a pattern of stitches on her torso, where she was cut open. "Am I... Still alive.." She mumbled, starting to close her eyes. She was abruptly awoken again with Pinkamena and Starlight right in front of her. "Had a good nap Twi?" Pinkamena cheerfully asked. "Wanna cupcake?" She asked, holding up a freshly baked cupcake, it had purple, darker purple and hot pink frosting, the wrapper had her cutie mark on it. "They're quite tasty." Starlight said, taking a bite out of one. "Who know how many cupcakes you can make with one kidney!" Pinkamena said.

"No.. I don't want a cupcake.." She tried to scowl tiredly, Done with everything. "Aww.. Well, lets start!" Pinkamena frowned, then looked to Starlight, who nodded. Her horn started glowing, illuminating the room as the magic found its way to Twilight's wings and horn. Twilight felt a weird sensation, like her horn and wings were not exactly her own. And then she was shocked with pain as she felt her wings being pulled out slowly and painfully. She screamed as the wings came off, and floated to Pinkamena, And then her horn was pulled out, and out of her skull. This pain was too much and she blacked out...

Meanwhile, Starlight's horn started glowing more intensely as she put more and more energy into the spell. She would manage to repair skull damage on Twilight, and then. She placed the horn and wings on Pinkamena. She tried even harder, the two wings started merging with Pinkamena's back, the wings fluttering back to life. And then the horn, the horn was much harder to do, spending more time on it. The alicorn magic slowly merging with Pinkamena's earth pony skills. Pinkamena went through the process, after it was over, the pink mare hugged Starlight tightly. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!" She squealed, Starlight blushed slightly as she was hugged and thanked by the mare. "Y-Yep... Slowly but surely the wings will turn your fur color, mostly. And your horn too, when they fully adjust to your body." She remarked, dipping out of the hug slowly. "Okay!" Pinkamena said. Soon she glanced to the unconcious mare at the wall, Twilight.

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