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             CHARLOTTE CLOSED HER EYES. Most of the BAU were arguing whether to go in or not; Rossi disagreed and said that Benjamin was bluffing but Hotch thought that he wasn't and wanted to go in. "This doesn't fit!" Rossi argued, disbelief written in his voice.

"I looked him in the eye. He was calm, lucid." Rossi defended, saying that he was right. That Ben was bluffing and that the poison was a way to see who was loyal to him or not. 

"They're committing mass suicide." Hotch ranted in frustration.

"We don't know that for sure." Rossi deadpanned. 

"Rossi, he just said it!" Morgan fumed, as Charlotte threw her headphones onto the table and leaned back In her chair; taking a shaky inhale inwards. 

"I'm with Rossi; we have no idea if Ben is bluffing or not. He could just be trying to see who is loyal to the cause and who is not!" Charlotte huffed in anger. 

"We're ready to go." Torre announced to the four agents. Charlotte held up her fingers in a 'five minute' gesture. 

"If we go in there, people are going to die." Rossi argued once more. 

"People are already dying." Hotch snapped. Charlotte slumped into her seat further; getting more and more agitated with her superior; who also happened to be a friend and a firm believer in his gut. 

"And god will wipe the tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death." Cyrus's voice brought them back from their turmoil. "Nor sorrow. Nor crying. And there will be no more pain, for all the former things have passed away." 

"Jim Jones pulled the same stunt. They did a test run just like this years before they did the real thing!" Rossi drilled into Hotch; as Charlotte continued to listened to the feed that was coming from inside the Ranch.

"Prepare your men to go in." Hotch ordered. 

"Be still, there is no poison. Instead, a test of faith, because your adversary the devil, waltzes around as a roaring lion. Choosing whom he may devour." Cyrus soothed, and Charlotte pushed her headphones into the table. "Watch each other for signs of weakness. You are your brothers keeper." 

"Stand your team down, he just admitted it was a bluff." Charlotte mused, licking her lower lip. "Good job Rossi," She mumbled, pushing past him towards the door. Finally reaching it, she took a big inhale; they were way to close to blowing this whole situation into disproportion. 

"Do as she says, tell your team to stand down." Hotch ordered.

"Yes sir." Torre answers, before turning to face Rossi. "Nice call," He muttered before walking away; patting Charlotte on the back at the same time as she leaned over the metal barrier keeping her on the inside away from the boiling sun. 

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