hybrid sister (part 4)

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Clouds POV

I was going to this knew place called the doctors

We were in the car and I was in my booster seat, and chewing on pengi.

It was only me and dashie. We went inside and I saw a toddler that had ears on his head and a tail but it was a puppy tail?

I was confused but just held dashies hand as she signed me in.

"Dashie" I asked when we sat down, "are you selling me back?" I got scared

"No no no baby, I would never do that, you're getting a check up and something to keep you from getting the flu" She said and kissed my forehead

"First time huh?" I heard a lady who was probably the boys mom say

Dashie looked, "ya, she's just nervous"

"I still can't believe that they have a hybrid doctors office" She said

"Me either" Dashie said

They talked and they soon called, "Alex Morgan"

The little boy and his mom went back

"Cloud chaser" They called next

Dashie took my hand and we went to the back and to a little hallway.

The lady kneeled in front of me, "hi cloud, I'm nurse treasure, and we're going to give you a check up ok?"

I nodded

Nurse Treasure had me take off my shoes and give pengi to dashie.

She had me stand on the scale and checked my weight and hight.

She put something on my arm and kept squeezing something. It kept getting tighter.

When she was done she brought us to a room.

"The doctor will be in shortly" Nurse treasure said leaving

I sat in dashie's lap

A few minutes later the doctor came in.

"Hi,I'm Dr.Ray, you must be cloud" She kneeled in front of me and dashie, "who's this" She pointed to dashie

"Sissy" I whispered.

She giggled, "let's getcha on the mattress, ok?"

I nodded as dashie put me up there and the doctor had me do things. She check my back, chest, eyes, and mouth.

When she got to my ears she took off my beanie. She went to hold my ears still but I flattened them.

"It's ok cloud," She said rubbing my cheek.

My ears slowly stood up again and she rubbed the tips of my ears when she checked them.

She checked my tail too.

When she was finally done she said, "ok I'm going to go get your flu Mist" She said and left

"Sissy? What's flu Mist" I asked

"You would usually get a flu shot" She started

I scrunched down at the word "shot" I hated them cause I got them so much and they always hurt.

"It's ok baby, you aren't getting a shot, you're gonna get a Mist and you just have to breathe it in ok" She said

I nodded

The doctor came back she, sat next to me, "so you're gonna breathe in and hold for 5 seconds ok, we're going to do it twice ok"

I nodded


Once she was done she talked to dashie, "ok, so she's underweight but that's ok, she's probably not going to gain much more for a few years," I stopped listening and went over to dashie, I got my shoes on and layed on dashie

When we left the nurse let me pick out a sticker and lollipop, I got a dragon sticker and a grape flavoured lollipop

(it's those dum dum brand lollipops)

Me and dashie went home well I fell asleep halfway through the ride home.

When I woke up dashie week getting me out of the car.

"Hi baby" She said

She picked me up and we went inside, I immediately fell asleep again.

Today had been a long day and I just wanted to sleep forever

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