Chapter Two: The New Student name Bella

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Evelyn's POV
It's been almost a year since I moved in with the Cullen and a year when the found and helped me. "Evelyn it's time to get up and get ready for school." I heard as I got up from my bed and got ready for the day. "Thanks mom." I said once I went down stairs to see Esme made pancakes.

"Of course dear." Esme smiled as she gently kissed my forehead. "How can you eat that?" Emmett asked causing me to look at him with a raised eyebrown. "Because my stomach likes it along with my tasted buds." I said quickly finishing my plate.

"Who am riding with today?" I asked with the tilt of my head. "With me." Edward smiles as I grabbed my bag and kissed both Carlisle and Esme on the cheek. "Love you mom, dad." I said as I went to Edward Volvo. Edward opened the driver door and started the car as I put on my seatbelt. "You think after school you can teach me how to play piano?" I asked Edward as he drove off with Emmett Jeep behind following behind us.

"Sure. What art piece do you want to learn?" He asked as I hummed in thought. "River flows in you." I said with a smiled as I remember him playing it once. "Okay." Edward nods as we made it to the school parking lot.

"Looks like we have a new student today." I mumbled softly as I saw a new red truck parked a cross from us. "At less it'll keep people attention away from us." Edward said just as Jasper opened the door for me. "Why that you good sir." I smiled as Jasper chuckled and helped me out.

"Anything for you my lady." Jasper joked as he closed the car door and tensed up. "You got this Jasper." I mumbled as I wrapped his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. "If I didn't know any better it would look like you're trying to still my man." Alice joked as I felt Jasper relaxed as he took in my scent. "You know I would never do that to anybody." I told her with a pointed look.

"I know." Alice smiled as I felt someone looking at us. I turned to see the new girl looking in our direction. "She's just like the rest of the humans."Rosalie snarled causing me to raised an eyebrow at her. "But I'm human." I said causing Rosalie to smiled at me. "Yeah, but your different then them." She said as we all walked to the school.

Time Skip

"Who are they?" I heard the new girl asked as I walked in with Rose and Em to the cafriteria. "The Cullen's." Jessica said as I felt the girl looking at us. "Their um... Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids." Jessica added. "They moved down here from Alaska a few years ago." Jessica said as she lean closer to the new girl.

"They kind of keep it to themselves." Angela said as I look at her and smiled. "Yeah, cause they're all together... like together together." Jessica said causing me to roll my eyes as me, Rose, and Em at out our table. "Jessica they're not related." Angel said as she smiled back at Evelyn.

I smiled as I see Alice and Jasper come in, well more like Alice dancing and Jasper just smiling at his mate. "That little dark haired girl is Alice... shes really werid." Jessica said causing me to growl lowly. "She's with Jasper who looks like he's in pain." She said as I felt the need to hit her.

"Dr. Cullen is like this foster Dad slash matchmaker..." Jessica trails off. "Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela teased causing me to smile slightly. Just then Edward came in causing me to get up and walked towards him.

Third Person POV

"Who is he?" Bella asked as she just notice Evelyn holding Edward. "That's Edward Cullen and Evelyn Pheonix. We're not sure if they're dating each other. They kind of act like a couple." Jessica said with jealousy as Edward and Evelyn look at each other with a playful smile. Bella frown as she slightly glares at Evelyn in jealousy wishing she was pretty as her.

"Seriously don't waste you time, cause apparently nobody good enough for him." Jessica said as she played with her food a bit. "Like I care." She added as she see Bella hasn't looked away from Edward and Evelyn. "Wasn't planning on it." Bella mumbled as she looks at her friends before glancing back at the Cullens. Edward frown as he looks at Bella and tried to read her thought only to hear nothing.

"I can't hear her thoughts." Edward said causing Evelyn to look at Bella and closed her eyes. 'They seem so perfect except for that little bitch. Maybe she controlling them to not talk to anyone else. Maybe I can save them and they'll like me.' Evelyn heard causing her to open her eyes and glare sharply at Bella. "I hate her." Evelyn snarl as Edward frown when he hears Bella's thought coming from Evelyn.

"She thinks I'm making you guys not talking to anyone." Evelyn said causing the Cullen to glare at Bella. Then suddenly Bella screamed as her milk exploded in her face. "Nice one Evee." Emmett said cause them all to laugh. "What the hell!" Bella screeched as the Cullen got up and left.

Time Skip

"I need to go." Edward said as he was tensed up when we left school. "What happened?" Evelyn asked in concerned and fear as they make there way to there home. "That new girl... She's my singer." Edward said as he parked his car at the front of the house causing the two to quickly get out. "I'll go with you." Evelyn said just as her crow Eric flow into the house on Evelyn lap.

"No..." Edward started only for Evelyn to start packing her stuff. "Edward I'm the only one that can help you get used to her blood. I'm going with you." Evelyn said as she gave a sharp look at Edward to see him look at her in defeat. "Fine. Where stay for a week." He said causing Evelyn to smile an nod just as the rest of the Cullen sibling come home.

'Eric I want you to inform James of my whereabouts.' Evelyn thought as she went to her room and opened her window to let him out. Not that far from Evelyn is a man with ruby red eyes and brown shoulder length hair. A crow gently landed in the man metal like arm and flaps his wings. "She's leave?" The man voice came out rasp for not talking in so long.

The Crow cows a bit causing the man to nod his head in understanding. "Tell her that we've only found five out of the eight Knots. Roman is tracking Andy while Loki and Peter are watching Crow Daddy and Rose." The man said causing the crow to nod and fly off. "I'll be seeing you in Alaska Evelyn." The man said as he sees Evelyn looking out the window looking for him.

The man moved to get Evelyn line of sight causing the girl to smile at the man and wave. "I love you James." Evelyn mumbled softly causing the man to smile brightly. "Love you too Evee." He said then quickly ran off before the Cullen could see him.

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