Chapter 15 (Trigger Warning)

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A/N: If you or someone close to you has struggled with an eating disorder, this chapter may be triggering for you.

Chris holds Eve close to him by the front door, as he had so many times before when he was about to leave for tour. But this time, it felt so different. Chris was so scared for Eve, and he didn't want to leave her, but he also knew that staying could potentially enable her further. He just wish he knew what the right thing was...

"I don't wanna leave you," He says before kissing the top of her head.

Eve lays on Chris's chest and she inhales deeply before saying, "Maybe the time apart will be good for us."

"What?" Chris asks, "We're apart all the time."

"Well, I just, I mean - " Eve cuts herself off and sighs, "Maybe I need to start utilizing our time apart on myself, you know?"

Chris takes a step back, "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."

"My first therapy appointment is Wednesday."

Chris's eyes widen, "What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I knew you'd get all over-excited and weird. I just want some help with my anxiety, it's not a big deal."

"Eve, are you kidding? This is a huge deal," Chris says before hugging her again, "This is gonna help you so much, you're gonna do so great, I believe in you."

Eve nods, "Thanks."

They come apart again, and Chris could tell that Eve wasn't a fan of his enthusiastic response to her going to therapy. Chris takes a breath, then grabs his suitcase.

"Well, I suppose I'd better get going."

Eve nods, "Text me when you're there safe."

"I will."

Chris opens the door, and he turns to leave when Eve grabs his hand.

"Hey," She says, "I love you. Thank you for believing in me."

Chris gives her a sad smile and squeezes her hand, "I love you too. I'll always believe in you."

They kiss for a moment, both of them feeling a mix of emotions for different reasons. Finally, they come apart and Chris once again forces himself to leave, hoping that therapy would give Eve what she needed. If not, he would only be two hours away, and was not afraid to drop everything and come home if things were to get worse with Eve.


A month later.

From what Chris had heard from everyone back home, Eve seemed to be doing...okay. Not perfect, certainly not fully recovered, but okay. Eve still seemed to deny the fact that she had an eating disorder, but she was making progress, which Chris supposed was all that mattered.

"She is coming, right?" Ricky asks as Motionless in White walk into the airport.

Since the band was primarily writing out of New York, their plan was to fly to London out of New York, and the girls would meet the band at the airport and fly out with them.

"I think so," Chris says, "She did seem a little apprehensive whenever it came up. I wonder if it makes her anxious. It seems like she doesn't really like the idea of being in front of cameras."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Ryan says.

Jaime and Talitha walk in. Chris's heart sinks.

"Where's Eve?" He immediately asks.

"She wanted to come separately," Talitha explains.

"What? Why?"

"She said something about having to run a few errands before driving up here," Jaime says.

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